Friday, January 10, 2025

campaign tools links

 Articles Googling around few days ago

  1)BEST STUDY on consequences of no parole: At America’s Expense, the mass incarceration of the Elderly By ACLU 2012

2)Isthmus _”the truth about truth in sentencing”

 3)Prison grading STATES on parole

 4)By Fontaine Baker ,WI prisoner

 5)By Jason Robinson , WI Prisoner

 6)Legislative brief on TIS

7)Westlaw on TIS and OL

 8)Stop thinking nonviolent drug offenders are better than people who committed other crimes


9)Flier with pictures

10) parole flier 2 pages with no pics

11) Parole pamphlet and citizens petition

 12)Tim Good data 2023

 13Taxpayers alert:

 14)CCI a nursing home without nurses-list of of aged infirm prisoner in CCI about two years ago. Lots of names in this other other docs- we can look up names and get stories.

15)History of parole fiasco- how are they kept in?

16))Where it all started - Thompson memo to DOC secretary Sullivan

17))2019 parole rule change petition- went to DOC secretary, governor and legis( did for two new administrations)

18))Support letters for parole rule changes

19) Prisoners over 55 yo:

 20)Time served  by lifers before TIS

 21)Cost per aging prisoner

 22)Links to parole blogs old but good

23) Harland Richards graph c (OLD-)

Old law lifers  who served more than  30 years and still In

24) Old law data from 2000( for comparison

 25)Cost per aging prisoner

26) Parole data 2014 DOC

27) good articles from post

28) Trump threatens to kill crime reform bill 2015

 Solitary docs Start

1)List of seg inmates for Tommie Carter

 2)Solitary stories for 2021

Thursday, December 26, 2024


This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here.

on the RIGHT are two main lists:  one that list prisoners by last name and one that collects prisoners documents and writing by issues .The issue listing is very incomplete. Also on the top left of each post is a white box where you can type the name of the prisoner whose post you want to see. 

The main reason for this blog is that FFUP's advocacy is stuck. The WIDOC is in "defense mode" and is unresponsive to our concerns and too afraid of the public's ire against prisoners and too scared of losing more staff to do anything but give soothing platitudes. We must reach beyond out inner circles and build a power base that pushes for compassion and wisdom instead of unending revenge.

A major focus now is getting real relief for prisoners in our RHUs ( solitary confinement- "Restrictive hosing units") where conditions defy description. 

"animal in a Cage" by DarRen Morris

In "Summer 2024 Report On Solitary Torture" I gather documents and writings from prisoners representing the ongoing abuse . Most of these men  have family members who will step up and bear witness, so I am contacting investigative journalists to try to raise pubic awareness. At the same time FFUP is working on effective legislative and legal action with  litigators newly released and still entombed. We have tried all this before but now more people are listening thanks to the reports of courageous prisoners, the work of many activists, and the wonderful reporting of journalists.  

Now is the time to be real teachers- the easy solutions bandied about everywhere are not going to help. We cannot just close down prisons without a big time reduction of prisoner population and we cannot close solitary units without real mental health treatment. There is none in the state for those without money- the mentally ill too often end in prison because of the public's refusal to address difficult issues. Our "Out of sight out of mind" public mindset is no longer helping and we must begin the panful discussions and investigations needed.

This blog's basic structure is about done . Prisoners are invited to have their own posts where they submit their writings and documents and I  quickly post and link them to posts and reports on same and similar issues. A  trouble is writing prisoners is now very difficult as my letters take 3 weeks and the new email getting out is not available to me. So letter prisoners know about their posts and giving them the links is slow. I am looking for a volunteer who could send emails for me to prisoners- wokr the Getting out app for FFUP.

FFUP gathers and learns and makes reports- and we all push for more accountability in every way possible. The solutions are available- the will to change needs to be strengthened. with this blog I hope to be able to gather the infinity that comes into mu mailbox, phone and corrlinks app.. The treasures I am given to safe keep and spread. I hope it will be a  major organizing tool for me

note: Feel free to contact me, and you can submit writings if you have personal experience with the DOC or want to comment on an inmate's post. WE will tolerate no hate speech and you must give full contact information in order to be posted. I will not post that info unless given permission but I need it in order to post, There are comment features on this blog and they will be monitored-

I believe prisoners are not their crime and that people change. Prisoners share with me what they are convicted of and tell that story if the choose but I do not ask nor am concerned with it except as it is needed in our work together. I believe that the confinement and loss of community of prison is the punishment. The mental and physical torture these men and women endure and we tolerate is a soul loss for all and a real crime perpetrated by our willful ignorance, We too can change.  

Peg Swan

Founder,Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons,  501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518

First look

Below are some of the prisoners posted here; look at the side bar to this blog and you will see prisoners listed by last name. Under that is  a listing by issues. Each prisoner gets a link to his or her particular post and is asked to send it to family and friends. We  hope this helps start a movement for real change.
This blog is in its infancy and we ask for you patience.

Main issue I am starting with - conditions in RHUs ( restrictive housing units)in our maximum prisons. 
link to gathering post on that issue: 

Corleon Thomas, TIS prisoner
with too much time
this case is a good example of the wrongheadedness
 of truth  in sentencing

Sean Forester -Hoare: he and his family believe he has Mrsa, is also trying to prove his innocence. FFUP's attempts to get confirmation of diagnosis and treatment unsuccessful- picking this up again
Terrance Grissom- mentally ill . in for disrupting, here still 20 years later/ needs to go home to colorado where his mother resides

Bryant Johnson, on 24 hr oxygen ,
 need compassionate release
another pld friend to FFUP- old law prisoner ,eligible for parole for decades 

Bill Brocket too long in prison

Raymond Woods
first post describes being "inmate"

Nate Lindell, another story of transformation: from Bigot to a caring and effective litigator/many good ideas to share

Jimmy Johnson 328433  FLCI
always claimed innocence, now has proof, given the absurd amount of time- 113 years
working with FFUP prisoner litigator guides. 


Kendrick Sellers 
first blogpost tells of lessons about racism he learned from his father. 

Luis Nieves has stage 4 cancer. We worked with him in 22 and 23 after he had  all  his meds and palliative care taken away when new doctor came in- This is a good example of WIDOC health care and the "special needs committee" which can override any recommendations and orders made by off site, independent doctors

Posts by issues JUST A BEGINNING

                               View from the top 

Corruption at heart of system.  We are holding people who should not be there. Resources must go to warehousing and the rehabilitation and safety goals are kept going in rhetoric only.   examples of former blogs and posts of groups of prisoners and  FFUP reports

              a)Blog of prisoners sentences as juveniles, now adults 20 plus years later:

              b)why are we holding these people? old law prisoners 

              c)compassionate release anyone?

Then there is the truth in sentencing fiasco which bludgeons us with the fact that TIS inmates have and out date that is religiously respected ready or not prisoners under this law. are routinely dumped form prison with little or no resources /This while Old Law prisoners, all held at least since 2000, are held indefinitely for "safety reasons".

1)Kenny Warren proposes a new second chance program for all prisoners: 

2)Anthony Pearson Jr seeks to improve conditions for all at GBCI:

3)Wayne Brewer has plans to correct corruption:

4)Aleasha Thiry tells her story in order to help others see that problems start WAY back when we are young:

5)Dewitt Faulkner a model for other prisoners:

          REDUCE POPULATION BY Half with these populations:
Ron Schilling absurdly held/fine writing and musician-

William Brocket, as "old law prisoner" has long been eligible for parole:

Bryant Johnson, another old law prisoner, has lung disease- what is he doing in?

Corleon Thomas, TIS prisoner, a youngster with sentence too long:

Roger Cose , old law prisoner, long eligible for  parole also write here on the disastrous  new table project:

             Health Care/treatment 

1)Alphonso Lamont Willis has severe fish allergies, WIDOC has no solution:

2)Todd Thorud, Astute Observer, now in need of "sedation Dentistry":

3)William Weso , Native American and old law, needs addiction treatment and in vicious catch 22 about it

4)Carlton Bullard starts with overview of our terrible prison health care system:

5)Timothy Durley needing health care and working hard on his criminal case

6)Jeff Poff observes much : issues are innocence, lack of health care and right now- retaliation

 7) Michael Evans has begged for mental health treatment since the beginning

  8)Bernard Kretlow needs sex offender treatment, finally got some and finds most people are kicked out before finishing:

  9) William Steele  desperately needs treatment before release

10) Raymond Woods shares what it is like being an "INMATE":

11)Terrance Grissom, mentally ill ,one of many who came to prisoner on multiple misdemeaners and here 30 years later.

12)Luis Nieves has stage 4 cancer and had meds taken away 2023;

13)Bryant Johnson, another old law prisoner, has lung disease- what is he doing in?

14) Matthew Stechauner, litigator, helps all, waiting for treatment himself:

                                  Harrassment, and RETALIATION

Bryant Howze, always under stress, is now experiencing severe retaliation:

Kuan Barnett, of the LGBT community, suffers severe harassment:

Charlie Bliesner writes of incredible retaliation:

Jeff Poff observes much : issues are innocence, lack of health care and right now- retaliation :

                                            wrongly convicted

1)Lene Cespedes -Torres :juvenile came with Mariel Boatlift, still here looking for some justice:

2) Nicholas Fischer , innocent:

3) Lonny Mayer has a big case and is looking for  lawyer

old law prisoners 

4)Roger Cose:

5)William Weso , Native American and old law, needs addiction treatment and in vicious catch 22 about it:

6)Timothy Durley needing health care and working hard on his criminal case:

7)Jeff Poff observes much : issues are innocence, lack of health care and right now- retaliation :

Matthew Stechauner, litigator, helps all. Scroll down for innocence bid:

Andre Tinnon, prisoner litigator guide, trying to prove innocence

broken Complaint system

1)Roger Cose   tries to exhaust remedies on the new tablet system     


1)Roger Cose   tries to exhaust remedies on the new tablet system      


Tom Ploszay released without needed knee surgery -has "gofundme" post :


David Anthony Pearson Jr seeks to improve cond-tions for all at GBCI:

Michael Weppert Was in WCI from 2008 till 2024 and wants to help us as we work to  restore rehabilitation instead of warehousing and abuse.

William Steele desperately needs treatment before release

William steel , has multiple DUI convictions,
 begging for treatment before being released. 

Wlliam Steele 1666853 RCI

here is his story:

  10 4 23

I'm in for my 7th OWI and the judge almost gave me maximum sentence 5 in 5 out- 10 years. I pulled over without any aggravated circumstance however my judge was Jennifer Darrow and she was going for Supreme Court and that's the time when Darrell Brooks ran over people in the parade. so I tried to plea out but still got banked

  I should have got mandatory minimum of three in, three out , to do Erp and then get out in 3 but you put a condition on for four in but my J.O.C. said I'm not eligible for Erp until after 4 years. However in the transcript she said I could get out in 4 years. but the clerk put eligible for Erp after 4:. Now I have a little over two. I think if I write the court I can get out on 4. 9:25-25( I pray)

 I've been in touch with Tony Justich and he agrees that I shouldn't be subject to S,O, rules when I don't register and was never ordered by a judge. I sent him all the information. Anyway the prison system is in violation with a lot of things( major overcrowding) it's hard to get in ERP for a lot of people/. There's tons of other crap going on.

  I always get medical shoes in Dodge but now I don't fit the criteria because I have a bad bunion on my foot. I went all the way to Madison. Now I can start my civil suit against Hsu because the only way is connective  surgery for this. but I don't have the $350,,400 for filing fees. So I'm screwed for now. So I'll work with St Vincent de Paul jail Ministries in Waukesha you can call them my friend Tom Pippins helps me out with property while in here TV radio Etc

 I've been working with the ministry for 30 plus years. way back when a fellow named John Qual was in there. .Now they have another John running it in Tom Pipiens worked as a channel 12 sports newscaster. he is really cool so feel free to work with them. T 166856/hey help people with clothing vouchers and stuff

 call them at St Vincent de Paul jail Ministries

 818 West Sunset Drive


 Waukesha Wisconsin 53189

FFUP letter to court;

Judge Jennifer Dorow

Waukesha County Courthouse.

Courtroom: SC-1016.

515 W. Moreland Blvd.

Waukesha WI, 53188.


RE: Friend of the Court Letter

For William Steele 166853 RCI

April 7,2024 

Your Honor,

I am writing you on behalf off William Steele. He is incarcerated at Racine Correctional Institution. This is his 7th DUI conviction and he has come to me for help in obtaining , finally, treatment. In each of his last convictions he has been released without addiction treatment, only to go back to the same old behavior when stressed. He knows he needs to develop a new support system and needs help doing that now. I come to you for hep so he is again not again released to the same merry-go-round.

The DOC policy here is hard to understand - William’s sentence was 5 in and 5 out. With his 7th DUI the mandatory “in “ time 3 years. You added a year to that. You have to have over two years left to get on the two year waiting list for addiction treatment. This is his explanation to me: “ the program is 3 months long but the wait list is over 2 years long and I should be starting it now but the judge gave me an extra year but then if I’m not on the waiting list by now I wont get any treatment at all so basically the judge made it so I serve more time and get no treatment at all, once again deny me of my help.” 

WIlliam wants desperately to do the right thing and needs our help- he needs the treatment program while in prison.. Please either order that he be put on the two year waiting list now or take away the extra year you gave him.

It is my experience that most prisoners leave prison untreated and untrained, traumatized   Here is an opportunity to buck that tradition Please help

I Thank you for your attention,

 Peg Swan

Founder, Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons, 501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518


Carl Barrett struggles with retaliatory Conduct reports and no mental health treatment

Carl Barrett 246694 1976, 47yo/
in since 1995/ an old law prisoner

Carl's case is another showing a rudderless DOC- with staff doing whatever they please. According to his mother, besides the PTSD and the other conditions Carl describes below, he is Bipolar. This is the worst situation for him. 

Here he write about having a rod in his leg which prevents him from kneeling and this was being disregarded by the staff; he delineates suicide attempts and extreme retaliation. Here captain  Tonia  R o z m a r y n o s k i is the prime mover with others following her lead .We hear the names of the same guards in complaint after complaint.  It is an environment where dissent is not tolerated-voices of

staff requesting they moderate to more humane behavior are not heard here. .

 First request for help/ no date here so used computer date:

Checking in 4-24with more info on situation in GBCI : needs to be transcribed, gives good informaion on bad actors.

original 11 23 letter transcribed/

Carl Barrett 246694 GBCI

To Peggy swan FFUP

re: help exposure, FFUP mailing list

Please excuse me as I've been on hunger strikes since 10 16 23 to shed some light. I'm diagnosed with PTSD. Loud noises, Shadows, being touched from behind, too much moving around me, hypervigilance, FlashBacks, Paranoia, nightmares  are some of the symptoms I have. I have some very bad traumatic experiences. Psychological Services is not taking my PTSD serious. They are not trying to help me get PTSD trauma treatment programming for my condition. Security staff are purposely slamming the Trap open or closed, triggering my PTSD which they find funny to scare or startle me. Which on 12/29/21 led me to assaulting a guard named Bradley w e n t z l a f f. He kept antagonizing me, slamming my trap, provoking with harassment. I had asked GBCI Administration to keep me separated from him. Once the assault happened, I should have been transferred for my safety and his. Now I'm receiving harassments, retaliations from it. My food was being played with. They kept me here to inflict psychological torture and distress on me. I've constantly asked to be transferred, security director John kind, PRC. none will help me. I'm in extreme fear for my safety.

   To get into the Here and Now, on 8:30 23 I was vindictively shocked/ tasered while on observation by captain  Tonia  R o z m a r y n o s k i  cuz she wanted to do it. I was brought out of my obs cell and I was allowed to do a modified kneel. This is all on the suit up video footage, I'm escorted to the strip cage and allowed to do the same thing. Then she decided no I want him to kneel. She commanded or suit up to him to make me kneel. Her and her suit up team know I have a nail brace for my injured knee. I even told them to look at my knee. They could see it was swollen. They did not care.

    To give some details:, I have a rod in my right knee and leg. cold weather, rain affects  the rod, causes swelling, pain stiffness. I did not refuse to come out. I had been on observations since August 17th 2023 for cutting my arm and vein with a razor. They wanted me to kneel both knees on the floor to appease Rozmarynoski despite the condition of my right knee was in. .The suit up video footage is the best evidence that I was shock tasered maliciously and sadistically with excessive force vengefully.

.     This comes from two causes.1) I filed a lawsuit on the RSU Sergeant staff she controls and works with 2) she alleged that I Spit on her. Since filing the lawsuit I've gotten a lot more retaliation from the RHI staff Montreal Bridges, Rachel Matuszak, Jay VanLanon, Michael Nevuei, Gregory Friedel and Spencer. Barrett versus Bridges at all 23c138. Rachel is the RHU nurse whom she controls and she tells her what to do even though she don't have any medical training. I was on observation when August 17th to October 10th 2023 some for my safety. I was made to come off observation by threats from Dr Breen from PSU enforcing Rozmarynoski using obs as punishment. She told me I wouldn't be given a security blanket or a smock, only a kilt. They're going to make  sure I stayed cold and my legs hurt. I wouldn't be given any more forms, soap or hygiene and then if I wanted to make my PREA calls I had to get off Obs. She was not approving me anything. I was maliciously shock tasered for approximately 45 seconds by Rozmarykowski on 10 for 23. Again I had been submitting numerous Health Service requests about pain swelling in my knee that I was in excruciating pain. Rozmarynoski was denying the HSU appointments cuz she didn't want conditions of my knee documented. She refused me attorney calls, scheduled c ourt Appearances cause I couldn’t kneel.. she placed me on restrictions so I could not communicate with the court to tell them what she was doing. Taking legal mail, acting as if they gave it to me. On 10-4- 23 she tasered me for about 45 seconds, had my injured knee slammed to the ground and bent forcefully to touch the back of my head to cause even more pain. I have to tell you that I also have a lower back problem. I'm supposed to be scheduled for a shot in the back for pain management. I bring this to your attention cuz when she started shock tasering me she purposely targeted my lower back. After she was done she told Rachel Matushak only to see me for the lower back problems and not for my knee.This is on suit-up video too.I would make them suit up so there would be video footage..Then on  10-6-23 a Nurse Michelle finally got to document the condition of my kne for the doctor. I'm still in pain,  being made to kneel.. Rachel Matushak have refused to schedule my shot in the back for pain. These are the retaliatory harassments I go through. I had to show other officers my knee so they can see how swollen it was. These officers and HSU knew Rozmarynoski. Was targeting me.  They scheduled me to see HSU while she wasn't here.  Rozmarynoski had me kept in a cell isolated so no one could see and report it. I'm currently on hunger strike and have been since 10:16-23. On 10:25-23 I've been designated emergent hunger strike and placed in.a camera cell. This camera cell does not have an emergency call button.. I can't get help if I need it. I will be filing a at least two more lawsuits on GBCI.  I've been trying to have my family hook up with you so you can give them some direction on how to pressure these people from the outside. They are and continue purposely harming Me by making me kneel. Rozmarynoski is telling HSU what to do and she has no medical training and also telling PSU what to do and has no psychological training. I'm not sure how far you're willing to go to help me get some justice. I don't file frivolous Lawsuits. Right now I'm looking at minimum excessive force. I'm however going for eighth amendment cruel and unusual punishment cuz they all knew my serious  Medical condition and disregarded it and I'm on video telling them to look at my knee. They refused on 10/12/23. Colin f r u e h b o r d t bent my wrist so bad causing numbness and tingling in my index ring and pinky finger. Please send me your ffup print outs and add me to your mailing list newsletter. I don't know if you're still in contact with Mustafa El. Any information you deem to be helpful. You take care and be safe. respectfully, Abdullah Hakeem

this is from his DOC profile 

As an old law prisoners ( crime  convicted of comitted before 2000_) he was eligible for parole after serving 1/4 of his sentence= This whole system was buried with the oncoming of TIS- Tis prisoners are released at legally ordered date- these guys languish forever.


campaign tools links

  Articles Googling around few days ago    1)BEST STUDY on consequences of no parole:  At America’s Expense, the mass incarceration of the E...