Saturday, October 5, 2024


 This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here.

on the RIGHT are two main lists: one that collects prisoners documents and writing by issues and                                                                  one that list prisoners by last name

The main reason for this blog is that FFUP's advocacy is stuck. The WIDOC is in "defense mode" and is unresponsive to our concerns and too afraid of the public's ire against prisoners and too scared of losing more staff to do anything but give soothing platitudes. We must reach beyond out inner circles and build a power base that pushes for compassion and wisdom instead of unending revenge.

A major focus now is getting real relief for prisoners in our RHUs ( solitary confinement- "Restrictive hosing units") where conditions defy description. 

"animal in a Cage" by DarRen Morris

In "Summer 2024 Report On Solitary Torture" I gather documents and writings from prisoners representing the ongoing abuse . Most of these men  have family members who will step up and bear witness, so I am contacting investigative journalists to try to raise pubic awareness. At the same time FFUP is working on effective legislative and legal action with  litigators newly released and still entombed. We have tried all this before but now more people are listening thanks to the reports of courageous prisoners, the work of many activists, and the wonderful reporting of journalists.  

Now is the time to be real teachers- the easy solutions bandied about everywhere are not going to help. We cannot just close down prisons without a big time reduction of prisoner population and we cannot close solitary units without real mental health treatment. There is none in the state for those without money- the mentally ill too often end in prison because of the public's refusal to address difficult issues. Our "Out of sight out of mind" public mindset is no longer helping and we must begin the panful discussions and investigations needed.

This blog's basic structure is about done . Prisoners are invited to heave their own posts after which where they submit their writings and documents and I  quickly post and link them to posts and reports on same and similar issues. They get the link to thier poast and spread the word to family and friends.

FFUP gathers and learns and makes reports- and we all push for more accountability in every way possible. The solutions are available- the will to change needs to be strengthened. with this blog I hope to be able to gather the infinity that comes into mu mailbox, phone and corrlinks app.. The treasures I am given to safe keep and spread. I hope it will be a  major organizing tool for me

note: Feel free to contact me, and you can submit writings if you have personal experience with the DOC or want to comment on an inmate's post. WE will tolerate no hate speech and you must give full contact information in order to be posted. I will not post that info unless given permission but I need it in order to post, There are comment features on this blog and they will be monitored-

I believe prisoners are not their crime and that people change. Prisoners share with me what they are convicted of and tell that story if the choose but I do not ask nor am concerned with it except as it is needed in our work together. I believe that the confinement and loss of community of prison is the punishment. The mental and physical torture these men and women endure and we tolerate is a soul loss for all and a real crime perpetrated by our willful ignorance, We too can change.  

Peg Swan

Founder,Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons,  501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518

Fabian Zepeda 231081 WRC

Fabien Zepeda

Fabien Zepeda 231081 
Wisconsin Resource Center (WRC)

  every time


 see the light i

 turn around


 see the darkness about

 to engulf

 me again, where i  am

 the true


 the liar, The Deceiver

 the sexual deviant,& the

 Destroyer of Souls, where


 choose to be hateful &


 only enjoying the


 When  every being on


 feels just like me


 do you let me dwell

 so freely



To whom it may concern

 my name is Human

Being (B.I.C.A.)A worthless

 useless, lowlife, crackhead

& and list goes on and on.

 it's gotten to a

 point it's not even insult-

 ing to be called a loser,

 to be truthful i dwell in the

 misery Ii created.

i  know what you the

 reader of these words is th-

Inking  what a warped & twi’

sted  mind he has.

I  beg you to under-

 stand that I'm not making

 excuses for who i Am,

 I'm just trying to  get 

Understanding  to  why

 I am






Thursday, October 3, 2024

David Anthony Pearson Jr

 David  Anthony  Pearson Jr 663092  gbci

David Anthony Pearson
calls for help , describes deplorable conditions in GBCI

 postmarked 92824

 BD 1986/ 38 y0/ out 10 1825 La Crosse


 My name is David Anthony Pearson Jr. I'm currently incarcerated at Green Bay corruption Institution. My release date is 10 1925 next year. I'm reaching out to you to see if you could refer me to a civil attorney who could help with my civil case against the warden. Case number is :23- CV- d1426- wcg. The name is Pearson V. Stevens et all. My claim is for my living conditions in  which is  inhumane. The cells are undersized for two individuals plus there's no windows in the cells for adequate sunlight and the windows outside our cells are fully tinted so no sunlight gets in. They lack programs and the ventilation is poor. GBCI has failed five building inspections and nothing has been remodeled besides a desk with seat, toilet, lockers plus Warden confirms there’s asbestos in the walls. He just said that it's undisturbed which is still a hazard.

  We are forced to eat in our cells three times a day we get fed through the same food slot we receive our cleaning material. It is inadequate. Please help plus GBCI the classification system is failing and people are losing their lives behind this faulty system.

 P.S I'm indigent. I'm not from Wisconsin. I know what's going on here is illegal. There is no kind of cognitive thinking programs here or no kind of reentry programs to help with helping us re-enter Society. Please help.


sincerely from the voiceless

 God's peace and God's love and forgiveness for all.

Sincerely from the voiceless

 link to original:

Case From PACER

David Pearson docket


David Pearson amended complaint


David Pearson defendant summary judgement motion


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Bernard Kretlaw

Bernard Kretlow 340419 OSCI

Bernard introduces himself and tells his story

 Peggy, I want to start out by telling some things about myself:

1. my full name is Bernard Edward Kretlow

2.  I'm at Oshkosh Correctional Institution

3.  I'm 44 years old, will be 45 on February 24th.

4. I have one brother who is 40 will be 41 on Wednesday August 28th.

5. I have no sisters

6. I'm in prison for a second degree sexual assault of a child. I got 10 years with 9 months hoc time if I mess up on probation. I was given two ATRs  messed. Got revoked cases open due to additional information. I came out charged with first degree sexual assault of a child and got 25 years concurrent to the 10 so I'm doing 45 years my PMR is 5-7-2026 my maximum discharge is 423 37 that is when I'm off paper

7. I grew up in Milwaukee in a home where there was fights, arguments, drinking, abuse of all types and Mom and her several boyfriends.

8. My mom played both the mother and father for me and my brother till we had to Be taken out of the home by child protective services.

9 I'm single

10. now as to placements I've been since 1990:2 foster homes= a child /8treatment centers= juvenile/ several adult jails, prisons=adult

11. I've taken many non-essential and essential group programs, classes.

  Names 12, see original)

    one group of note- spiritual program which is a wonderful program  It's an incentive based mental health program for inmates with mental health issues to give them tools to help them from continuing to misbehave, get tickets leading to segregation placements, possibly ending up back in maximum Security setting Within the DOC they use phases 345 to earn more freedom as you progress and you get points for participating in groups. 

  SRTU  stands for secure residential treatment unit. Then they have a section here for mental health segregation area called  DU which stands for diversion unit  It's for inmates with mental health issues to make their disciplinary separation time more doable.

18. SOTis a sexual offender treatment program adaptive which is a sex offender treatment program for inmates who have a learning disability/ mental health issues and is less of a difficulty to get through and better broken down. details Hands-On less work to do more discussion time and visualizations. 

  Any information you want about sptu and s o t Adaptive group ,you can contact our Warden and/ or Dr J a n n o n it had a PSU Department.

 Well in closing I'll say take care thank you for your assistance with much needed supplies

 and add to my blog:

 I was given a 30-day restriction by medical not to work and my program sergeant Which is? removed me from my job giving it to someone else which I feel is wrong cuz I did nothing to lose my position so I should have not had the job taken. They could have had someone fill in for me while I was on medical restriction then I'd still have my job and wouldn't have to worry about getting a new different one.

 Complaint: on 8924 at 10:25pm- I went to the office desk to let officer Cook  know that I feel hot sweaty clammy as my pressure is high and he told me to write a slip so I can be seen on sick call tomorrow. I did and I gave it to him via protocol. I should have been evaluated tonight feeling this, cuz tomorrow I’ll feel better blood pressure will be normal and I won't feel sweaty clammy anymore so I won't be seen This is unprofessional. 

in original: 

Bernard's first issue is to preserve his low bunk restriction

. Here we present some of the ins and outs of the  SNC or "Special Needs Committee" which has the authority to override the outside Doctor's recommendations and causes much undue suffering and pain. 

transcription of Bernards april statement on low bunk:

Bernard  Kretlow  340419 Osci  4/22/24

 reasons I should have an indefinite lower bunk restriction

1. I am at risk of falling out of bed as a result of tossing and turning at night while asleep which occurs nightly

2. I'm at risk of falling as a result of my lower back locking up on me which happened on 418/24 or41924.

3.I am at risk of falling out of bed as a result of my nightmares which I have.

4 I am at risk of injury to my left ankle having to go on the top on cuz it's injured already. 

5.Nowhere to put sleep apnea machine or cause if I put it on the TV stand at foot of bed it's at risk of falling cuz I toss and turn and it can't sit on the floor cuz the hose won't reach to the top bunk ,not long enough would need two hoses.

6.At risk of seizure if I've become stressed which happens quite a bit with my cell Vance Adduci and

Bernard's July 20th 2024 statement stating reasons why he needs a low bunk (original)

My letter to the powers:

OSCI Warden Cheryl Eplett

HSU Director

Dr. Murphy

1730 W. Snell Road ​

PO Box 3530

Oshkosh, WI 54903-3530 

RE: Low bunk for Bernard Kretlow  340419

April 22, 2024



I am concerned for the well being of Bernard Kretlow, He has been recently denied the low bunk designation because he has not had seizures in a few months. I ask that you applaud yourselves and him for this improvement in his health and keep the low bunk restriction . Bernard is afraid of falling from the top bunk. Such a fall would have serious consequences. He has fallen from the low bunk and this fear of falling increases his risk for seizures and falling.


The DAI 500.30.07 Special Needs rule on Lower bunk restriction states:

“A person should be restricted from the upper bunk if they have a medical condition that represents a higher than average likely hood of severe injury if that person fell from the upper bunk or if there is an uncontrolled medical condition that places them at increased risk of a sudden unpredictable loss of mobility, balance or cognition.”


Bernard Kretlow certainly qualifies here- Please do not jeopardize your success with helping him control his seizures- Allow Bernard Kretlow to  keep his low bunk restriction.


Thankyou for your attention:

Peg Swan

Founder and Co- Director  Forum for Understanding Prisons ( FFUP)


29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518


Cc.Melissa Roberts

Assistant Deputy Secretary WIDOC

3099 E Washington Ave

Madison, WI 53704

Bernard's second post lists other concerns, including program group problems , lack of rec (recreation) due to staff shortages and no vending machines in visiting rooms.

THis is Bernard's latest update:

Bernard Kretlow  health 924

Bernard Kretlow 724 health

Bernard Kretlow  health 81424


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Todd Thorud

Todd thorud, astute observer, victim of assault
 and prime plaintiff in suit to force 
   DOC to build mental health treatment facility
BD 1976, 48YO
in since 1998-old law prisoner

Most urgent is his health care need- he needs dental surgery and needs to be sedated to have it and is denied:

what is here so far:
1)two frauds/scams described
vendor scam
Keefe Commissary Network

2)how the DOC health care does not work
3) slave labor

  the vendors- SCAM ONE Carr and allR0QMf70VppG1rBc2sfXfqvl_RW/view?usp=sharing

transcribed below:

Todd Thorud  206723  osci

 DOC- v e n d o r s ( criminally predatory)

  Our incarcerated inmate population must use only DOC contracted/ approved vendors to purchase canteen, hobby, property, etc. items!  Inmate population cannot use an outside vendor! In theory we can only use an outside vendor if we cannot find something better from our DOC's vendors  but in practice such a purchase is never approved.

   The Contracting system for all DLC inmates is extremely corrupt and predatory towards all inmates and anyone else who tries to help our inmate population.

    The Wisconsin DOC Administration uses NASPD( the National Association of State procurement officials) to select and contact all of its vendors. DOC does this in secret and behind Closed doors. 

    We need this practice to be brought into the light and under public scrutiny. This process should be monitored by the Wisconsin Attorney General's office.  The contacts should be open to our inmate population also. We are intended customers and we should have a say in what we are being sold and for how much. Also,every inmate should have the opportunity to submit questions concerns and so on to any potential vendor.

    The DOC Administration and its co-conspirator NASPO are fully legally and financially liable for the actions of all contracted vendors that are allowed to operate within the DOC system. The DOC allows these contracted vendors to behave in criminally- predatory in egregiously contemptible ways. They continue to increase the prices of all goods and merchandise and so on that is sold to our inmate population and everyone else who wants to help the inmate population by sending items from the DOC vendors.

     This is outrageously criminal extortion and fraud etc.It also is ethically and morally repugnant to say the least.

    The DOC should have to allow loved ones, family, friends and so on and others who wish to send us items from the doc approved vendor to pay the price every other citizen pays.

This outrageous fraud by the doc has cost ordinary innocent taxpayer citizens of Wisconsin millions of. Dollars.

     By charging our inmate population so much for everything we need, DOC and its corrupt predatory vendors ensure that our inmate population has to ask someone outside  the DOC system to buy items we can't afford ourselves. The Wisconsin Administration knows fully well that our intimate population can't afford most items in our vendor catalogs..This is deliberate extortion and fraud by the doc and its vendors.

     This causes significant hardship on our inmate population and others who try to help us survive this increasingly predatory and abusive incarceration.

    Someone needs to stop this. 

Sincerely concerned Todd l Thorud  226723


Todd  t h o r u d 226723  osci

 The  k e e f e  commissary Network (KCN) 

   Sunday August 11th 2024

     The Keefe commissary Network(KCN) is the devil! it is evil in all its forms, such as its subsidiaries Access Corrections, IC Solutions,etc.

      KCN and its subsidiaries have engaged in campaign/ criminal Enterprises and etc to criminally, predatorily prey etc upon the inmate population of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, city and county jails etc.

.     KCN has done this in 39 other states etc with the full complicity/ authority of the correction system in 40 + States, cities, counties, and other localities throughout the US. These states,, cities, counties and other localities have given KCN their complete permission to act, and behave as they wish with complete autonomy and impunity.

       As long as each state, city, County locality, gets its commissions and sales taxes and etc,they don't care what happens to the inmate population, our loved ones, friends , etc or any person who wants to help our inmate population Survive the increasingly difficult incarceration Within the correction system Nationwide.

       KCN and other similar- criminally predatory companies such as Union Supply  Group,  have preyed upon our inmate population and others who are trying to help us for Decades. (30plus years). They have violated our constitutional rights,,Our civil rights and our human rights. They've knowingly and purposefully extorted and defrauded our inmate population, costing us billions of dollars and  and have caused our population to suffer in pain and misery for decades. 

      While  we have suffered these decades, we have asked for help from the DOC, the state government, the state court system, the State Legislative  officials, the State Attorney General office etc, We have been dismissed, ignored, threatened, and punitively- harassed, antagonized intimidated and bullied to dissuade and deter us from challenging the DOC/ States failure protect us from any abuse or being taken advantage of by anyone, including the DOC and its employees, the state and its employees.etc.

    When the Wisconsin -DOC Administration and the state of Wisconsin  decided to switch to a different tablet, they knew and were fully aware that our population would be losing all access and use of our ATG tablets and our media content. They knew that we would  lose our significant investment in the tablet and media content that we owned. KCN had no intention of refunding our inmate population for the cost of the tablet or the media content that we owned 

     Yet the DOC Administration kept lying to our inmate population, telling us that they were still working on the issue. They also allowed ATG(access-keefe) to keep selling the inmate population tablets and more media content  even though they had no intention of refunding or reimbursing our inmate population for either the cost of our tablets or the media content that we purchased. They continue to do so to this date. This is egregious: fraud and extortion.

    We  cannot use other vendors, we are forced to use these criminally predatory vendors no matter how they. treat us. Even though there is plenty of proof showing that Keiffe, KCN and Union Supply are abusing the inmate population throughout the US, the Wisconsin DOC Administration still chose to award KCN yet another contract.

      This so they can continue to exert and defraud our inmate population and our loved ones. We need help to stop this cycle of abuse and mistreatment; still forcing us to buy criminally overpriced Goods and merchandise; for decades more to come!


 sincerely disgusted and frustrated, Todd l T h o r u d  226723


2)not yet transcribed but originals linked here:  


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bryant Howze

Bryant Howze  214434

Bryant Howze facing severe retaliation,
                                                                            severely stressed

Oshkosh Correctional Institution

PO Box 189

Phoenix, MD 21131

b1969, 55yo                          

Bryant Howze, under extreme stress,,suffering retaliation 

Bryant Howze has migraine headaches, finds prison life very stressful.  The Health staff on and off again help him with botox shots etc but he has come to realize that finding ways to reduce his inner stress would be most helpful. unfortunately  now finds himself in a truly scary situation. It goes like this:

1)he got into an argument with another prisoners, there were some blows.

2) One of the officers threw his entire body weight against Bryant in an effort to stop the fight. It toppled Bryant, who is a small man. The  officer was big.

3)Bryant was injured , was put in the "Hole" ( solitary-disciplinary segregation) and not given any health care

4)Bryant filed inmate complaints and exhausted remedies on the incident, citing "use of excessive force". all complaints were dismissed .

5) When Bryan t got out of segregation, he found most of his property was gone. 

6)The prison has filed charges against Bryant for the fight that started this whole thing even though the "victim" was not hurt and is not pressing charges AND has written and affidavit stating as much. The DOC continues to pursue this. Last week there was a court hearing canceled because the victim did not show up. Bryant waited for hours at the court house. 

7) Bryant's stress is through the roof . He knows all this is retaliation for  his filing complaints against the officer. 

Letter from Bryant :

Bryant Howze 214434 o s c i

Postmarked  July 7th 2024

 I want you to know that on June 4th I went to RHU( the hole) and when I got out of RHU June 27th most of my property is missing.

 Officer Eddie Moore  through his body toward me from behind like he was playing football. officer Moore drove into me.

 I am 55 years old and he did not tell me anything or say nothing to me.

 he, officer  Eddie  Moore, to another officers and inmates that he slipped. no Peggy, He did what he did on purpose.

 Conduct report that he typed up says  different.

 Most of  my hobby stuff is missing as well as other property.

 so please  work with me I'm getting my hobby items again.

 I also need paper and envelopes.

From Court case citing on CCAP (Wisconsin courts online)

Robert Mayers ( victim,) affidavit


                                           my letters to court and warden 9124

Judge Daniel Bissett 

Winnebago County Circuit Court

415 Jackson Street 

 PO Box 2808

Oshkosh, WI 54903-2808


                                        Re: Friend of the Court letter for Bryant Howze

Winnebago County Case Number 2024CF000588

September 4, 2024


I am very concerned for the well being of Bryan Howze, who has a hearing in your court on September 9th.

He suffers from Migraines because of stress and I have been trying to help him through our non profit's DEstress

 project, sending him hobby supplies and wordsearch books which he enjoys.

Please let me share with you what I see. On June 4th Bryant and Robert Meyer began fighting,I guess Bryant was

"winning", when Officer Eddie Moore Jumped Bryant. Bryant says he "threw his whole body toward me from behind

 like he was playing football. He plowed into me." There was no warning. Bryant was taken to the hole, was given no

 nursing care and no x-rays and when he got out, much of his  property was missing.

Bryant explains he is 55 and small and officer Moore is a large man. Bryant sustained injuries and still has trouble-

lots of pain in his back and he sometimes has trouble breathing . He filed complaints on the incident and all

 were dismissed. Officer Moore says he slipped.

The bizarre thing is these charges the prison has filed charges against Bryant!  Robert Meyer was not injured and

refuses to file charges. Officer Moore used excessive force, meaning there were lots of alternative actions possible.

It looks very much like this is an attempt to protect Officer Moore. It is in retaliation for Bryant's filing complaints.

 Rather than pursuing this absurd path, I suggest the prison should use this incident to teach staff how to de-escalate

such incidents safely. Bryant needs x-rays on his back and nursing care, his property back.


 I thank you for your attention.



Peg Swan

Founder, Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons,  501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518


Warden Brian Cahak,

1730 W. Snell Road ​ 

PO Box 3530

Oshkosh, WI 54903-3530

                                        Re: Bryant Howze 214434

Winnebago County Case Number 2024CF000588

September 4, 2024


I am very concerned for the well being of Bryan Howze, a prisoner in your institution. He suffers from Migrains

because of stress and I have been trying to help him through FFUP's DEstress project, sending him hobby

 supplies and wordsearch books which he enjoys.

I believe the charges against Bryant are fabricated in an attempt to protect office Moore and the prison. Instead

of admitting that excessive fore was used and using the incident as a teaching moment, they are going full scale assault on the victim. What I see is this: On June 4th Bryant and Robert Meyer began fighting, I guess Bryant was "winning", when Officer Eddie Moore Jumped Bryant. Bryant says he "threw his whole body toward me from behind like he was playing football. He plowed into me." There was no warning. Bryant was taken to the hole( segregation), was given no nursing care and no x-rays and when he got out, much of  his property was missing.

Bryant explains he is 55 and small and officer Moore is a large man. Bryant sustained injuries and still has trouble-

 lots of pain in his back and he sometimes has trouble breathing . He filed complaints on the incident and all

were dismissed. Officer Moore says he slipped.

 Robert Meyer was not injured and refuses to file charges as he was not hurt. Yet there is a court hearing on September 9th. And I believe this is a waste of your time and taxpayer’s money and a big turn in the wrong direction. This is retaliation against Bryant for filing a complaint against Officer Moore and may force him to take legal action. Honesty and accountability on the part of the prison is needed here instead.

 Founder, Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons,  501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518












 This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here. on the RIGHT  are two main lists : one that collects prisoners documents a...