Saturday, August 24, 2024

Fontaine Baker


Intro story of Dr. Fontaine Baker

Dr. Fontaine Baker grew up in the gritty streets of Chicago, battling to stay alive against the violent current of his community. Encountering gangs, drugs and poverty, life seemed bleak. Dr. Baker channeled his growing pains through writing and performing music as a way to escape. Looking for a brighter future Milwaukee, Wisconsin became his second home. The streets' allure of a quick relief from poverty had Dr. Baker straddle the fences between being a musical recording star or the justice systems chase from hustling.

Eventually Dr. Baker would fall and land in the system. In 2000 he was convicted of a tragic accident that occurred while he was attempting to unload a jammed firearm a friend of a friend held. Dr. Baker fled the scene fearful. This would earn him to be sentenced to 40 years in the Wisconsin Department Of Corrections.

For his first five years bitterness remained as he felt jaded by the system and society and sent to languish in a prison cell until he was to be a senior citizen. Coming to a crossroad in his life in 2006, after discovering he suffered from untreated PTSD, the desire was born to be the best version of himself for himself and his family. Dr. Baker vowed to be a light in the darkest places imagined. He set out on a path of rehabilitation ,,despite being sentenced under Wisconsin's Truth in sentencing regime, which meant all his efforts could not earn him any good time or early release.

With this in toe he encapsulated himself in education and personal growth. Most notably he earned a Doctorate in Divine Metaphysics, A Bachelor's of Arts in Biblical studies with a minor in psychology through Trinity International University. He became an ordained minister and is a alumni of Restorative Justice. He is Certified in conflict resolution, pro literacy tutoring and communication. He Has taken Cognitive Intervention, Substance abuse and Men's trauma courses.

Dr. Bakers  visions shifted to him being an asset to the community even from behind the walls. He became involved in various organization that focused on reentry, prison advocacy and criminal justice. He is a member of the NAACP acting as Coordinator for its social  justice initiative, and cochair of its criminal justice division in Milwaukee. He works with Wisdom and EXPO to champion their voters rights initiatives and social justice reform.

He is a member of PAM(Prison Action Milwaukee ) which focuses on supporting the incarcerated and their family's. He is a published author penning articles for Prison Journalism Project and the Prison Foundation writing service.

He is the socially impacted coordinator for a writing program called "A line Meant", mentored by Wisconsin Poet Emeritus Dasha Kelly Hamilton. Dr. Baker has set out to become an advocate against gun violence and started initiatives aimed at preventing gun violence, as well as getting dangerous weapons off the street.

He cofounded an non profit called " The Lost Soul Community Outreach" which operates off the principals of 'feed the community, clothe the community and finding ways to curb violence in the community'.  Now in his 24th year of incarceration He is currently Pursing a Masters In Counseling, and looking forward to freedom, where he plans to become A trauma informed care counselor.

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