Monday, August 12, 2024

Joel Richie


Joel RIchie 
Hello my name is Joel Ritchie I am a 52 yr. old native American. I've been incarcerated for 27 yr.s I am doing a 40 to life sentence. First, I am where I belong. Yet the struggle in here for us and family/friends are real.two wrongs don't make a right. Us as prisoners are here to be away from the public, for their, our safety. Yet at the expense to our families/friends..Jobs don't pay us much, we are still human beings. We can get 10 to 100% of our monies taken. And our "people" pay the outrageous Price's for the basic things we can have,for example $229.95 w/out tax for a 13 inch TV.. Yes, even the public pay a lot for item's. When I had a job,I made $8.93 every 2weeks.minuse 10% .my point I guess, it's all about money,we do a crime,and get sentenced, yet it also costs us,you money just for use to survive. When I was homeless, a ate better, I had better care...there are no real programs, incentives to better your self,or a way to be reformed. The D.O.C. See's us as lier's ,and yet a pay check,funded by the public. Look at what is going on at Waupun correctional. That is the norm in these places, that is our reality.. People die a lot,suicide in here is real,yet not many people know,or even care about it....then the loneliness hit's.


8/4/2024 7:45:34 PM

Blog--- loneliness

I can only speak for myself, however all prisoners deal with loneliness. For me with mental health issues it is feel unloved, unwanted, uncared for, it brings depression, thoughts of self harm, or lashing out at others. To pray every night to die in my sleep to only wake up the next morning to realize your still in hell.Yes I belong here,yet my victim no longer surfers, yet I do.I use to ,use to run from the loneliness, I no longer use.I now understand how our elders in nursing home's feel and do die from the loneliness. In here there is no real help for this problem. Human contact, a's been a long time since I've had a hug. Even on a unit with 100 plus men,I am on a island alone,with no real idea how to save myself........

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