Thursday, December 26, 2024

Bill Ledford litigator, victim of incredible malfeasance and retaliation

Bill Ledford 
Bill Ledford 11 4 24

William N Ledford 80495
Columbia Correctional Institution
PO Box 950 Portage,WI 53901
November 4, 2024
.Ms. Melissa Roberts, Deputy Secretary
Department of Corrections
PO Box 7925
Madison,WI 53707--7925
Re: Medical Care and lack of accountability in the DOC
Dear Ms Roberts,
it has come to my attention that you may be interested in information regarding the poor state
of Medical Care in the DOC- the dangerous care. Of course for the most, part I can only speak
for myself( though I am aware of many others relating to other prisoners). these following should
suffice as an initial demonstration of the problem.
The medical system in the DOC is a hot mess-.One of the underlying and primary problems is
the doctors. I realize that it is difficult to get competent doctors to work in the DLC. When the
doctors that do work in the DOC screw up- often badly- the DOC does not get rid of them( does
not even discipline or hold them responsible), but instead ”recycles” them(. I. e, just transfers
them around to various facilities over and over again.)
1. Prior to January 9, 2018, I had serious issues with severe edema and infections in
my leg and feet. I complained often but nothing effective was done. As a result I had to
be taken to Waupun Memorial Hospital. It was discovered that I was seriously
dehydrated, had sepsis and incurable bone infection. I had to have my left foot
amputated. If I had competent Medical Care this could have been prevented. I am a type
1 diabetic.
2. That same year while at WSPF( Boscobel) I developed a small sore on my second right
toe. I asked for help but didn't get it when it became Infected. The toe became so
infected that it had to be amputated. Post- op instructions were to monitor, clean and
bandage daily. It was not done, even after I wrote HMS(RN) Waterman. She ignored me.
As a result, I developed gangrene and on or about August 16th, 2018, my left foot had to
be amputated as well. As to the above paragraphs,1and 2, could have been easily
avoided with competent Medical care,( please note that prisoner Johnny Lacey# 71373
had the same happen to him around the same time and had his leg amputated below the
knee. He and I were on the same lawsuit and many thousands of dollars had to be paid
to us. That, too, could have been avoided.)

3. Since at least 2016 I have had severe edema in both lower legs which caused them to
swell so badly that s e r e s fluid would leak copiously and nests of blisters would
develop, burst, become sores and become infected. I have photos- and were very
painful. Between 2016 and March 15th 2021,I agreed to and tried every bandaging
system, treatment suggested by theDOC healthcare without success of improvement.
My legs were also very painful and became even worse in that the skin became even
worse in that it became hypersensitive making it it difficult and even impossible to wear
or apply the bandaging.After multiple requests for pain medication that were denied, finally on March 15th 2021,chronic opioid use was approved. See Dr LaVoie’s progress note for March 15th 2021.
Dr Ribault was never part of this meeting or discussion. The final approval for the pain
medication was in March 17th 2021, and shortly thereafter the Unna Boots, C o b a n
Wrap and T u b i grips could be placed on my legs again with reduced pain, just enough
not to make it extremely painful. Within approximately 2 months the sores on my legs
mostly healed.From that time on till December 14th 2021, Dr Ribault, ( another “recycled” doctor) had
been trying to come up with excuses to have my Vicadent (opiod) Taken. He kept trying
to say that I wasn't keeping my legs raised even though I was. He kept pushing this
fabrication even though there was no evidence via logs, staff observation,etc, supporting
his fabrication. In addition, from the start of taking the opioid, and as dictated by nurses
for,months, including HMS Adams, I healed well and a few issues with my legs as I had
On December 14th, 2021, Dr Ribald, without discussing anything with me, sent an email
to Dr Lavoie stating- and lying- that the opioid had been ineffective. even the HSU
manager wrote that it had been very effective. However, without the medication my legs
deteriorated and I had to spend several days in the UW- Hospital and subjected to
painful treatments. The DOC did nothing to Dr Ribault other than protect him- and
continue to pass him around to other facilities (“recycling”him) .

4).Approximately 2 1/2 years ago Dr Sukowaty came to CCI and when she did she dis
continued restrictions, medical items(e.g., medical mattresses, shoes, wedges etc.)
canceled off -site appointments,etc. Dr sukawadi discontinued my diabetic snack bag(
evening) saying it was medically unnecessary- though I'd had it for 30 years. But more
serious is the fact that she immediately, on her own, changed my diagnosis as a type 1
diabetic- which I had for 30 years to a type 2 and from that point was telling everyone,
including healthcare providers. I had countless insulin reactions, yet did not have a
diabetic snack bag. She did this to many prisoners.

5. Prior to March 5th, 2024, I had written to Dr Sukawadi about various sores and
infections etc. She would cancel an appointment she had scheduled or simply disregardmy issues, for the most part. Just prior to March 5th 2024 they got worse, yet Dr
Sukawaty essentially ignored me.On or about February 5th 2024, I developed covid-19 was and was given paxlovid. I was placed on 10- days quarantine nor am I allergic to that medication. On February
27th 2024 I was awakening in the a.m. to discover my face to be hugely swollen, my
eyes sealed nearly and seris fluid covering my entire face,glazing it as if it were a
glazed. It was clear and obvious that I had an infection. it was so serious that on
February 28th 2024 during my regular leg bandaging I asked HSM Alana Acker to have
me taken to the hospital to be treated. HMS Acura refused, actually stating that my
condition was” not serious enough” when it clearly was.My face became even worse. On March 1st 2024, again during routine like, the nurse(RN Anderson, I believe her name was) called Dr Sukawadi to come in and examine my face, believing it necessary to go to the hospital. Dr sukowaty came into the room for less than 30 seconds ordered some useless OTC cream as if the issue was, as she
described it, a “minor Dermatological” issue when it clearly was. I have colored
photographs(s). I asked her to have me sent to the hospital for treatment. she, also
staying at my condition was” not serious enough” when even a lay person could see it
was very. I also did not feel well. On March 3,2024, I wrote a two- page Health Service
request(HSR) to H SM Acker, again explain the situation and asking to be sent to the
hospital. On March 4, 2024, she responded by stating that “Dr Sukowaty was on site and
did not feel outside care was necessary” and refused to send me out.
On March 5th, 202, while, Jared M a r k o w s k i was doing the 6:10 a.m. round, found
me on the floor of my cell. They did not call an ambulance and even had me sit at the
HSU for approximately an hour before they had guards driving to the hospital in a prison
At the hospital, Divine Savior in Portage, they found that I was so sick with sepsis, renal
failure, facial and orbital cellulitis, and right otitis externa, they determined I was too sick
to be treated there and had to be transferred to the UW in Madison. When I got there I
had a temperature 104 and a blood pressure. After testiing it was found I had serious
sepsis, right leg cellulitis, facial cellulitis, orbital cellulitis, oral thrush, c d i f f, with
serious diarrhea , Renal( kidney), otitis externa and s a c r a l wounds. I was put in the
ICU and placed on powerful broad Spectrum IV antibiotics. Nothing was done about her
for this either, but protected by the DOC.

I would hope that something, some accountability, some, but- or don't see it happening
given my Decades of experience with the DOC and its employees.
sincerely, William and Ledford

follow up letter, transcription coming

  11-18-24 update:

intro back in July


      My name is William ("Bill")  Ledford #80495.   I'm  currently confined at the

Columbia Correctional  Institution, P.O. Box 189,  Phoenix, MD  21131 [3rd party

mailing requirement]  should you wish to reach  me.  I have been incarcerated for

about 44-years now.  I write now  and later to educate on  and provide  insight for

those in and out of  prison.


                             Is Anyone Really Watching

      In all of the  time that  I have been incarcerated I have always  wanted to

know  if anyone has really been watching - even really cared  - about what  goes

on in our prisons given  that the very same tragedies  and brutalities  continue

to no accountability.

      Should there be any doubt of the apparent  indifference one just has  to look

at the recent eleven (11)  deaths of prisoners at  Waupun Correctional  Institution (WCI) due to staff abuse and negligence.   For  likely the first time in its  history,since approximately  1851, the Warden and  guards were arrested and  charged with serious felonies.  However,  that does not mean  those Department of  Corrections

(DOC) will actually  be held accountable.  What  will likely happen is that there

will be delays and the  charges will be  reduced down to nothing and the  matter

forgotten with maybe an  administrative  band-aid to make  it look like something


      Or the woman employee  at the Columbia  Correctional Institution  (CCI) who

last year was the  Food Service Administrator (FSA) (head of the food  services

at the facility).  What happened?   She was caught embezzling money from  the state

by padding her time sheet: theft.   She was then  walked out of the facility.   Was

she arrested?  No.   Instead the DOC/CCI administrators  worked to  protect by apply-

ing internal discipline -  but it wasn't discipline.   instead, she was given  a

90-day suspension and  allowed to return as the  assistant FSA.   If it were  you

or  I ,we would have been immediately  arrested  and prosecuted, but not a DOC employee.

         Or  the Health Services Manager  (HSM) at the Wisconsin  Secure Program Facility    (WSFF -  formally the Boscobel  SuperMax) who in  2018 was responsible  for the      negligent  amputation of my right  foot for gangrene (I'm a  Type I diabetic)  and   non-treatment  of it; and for the  same for another prisoner  there (both of us on   the same  case winning  several thousands of dollars), but  whom had his right    leg amputated  up to the knee.   What happens?  She gets run out of there,  but was    later allowed  to return as a  nurse.  There is just  no actual  accountability    for these  people.  The DOC recycles  them like aluminum cans  thinking nobody is    going to  notice while they continue  their destruction.   But that is because nobody .  Is  watching or really appears to care.   These are just a  drip in the bucket to  the say  the least.

          I know that many  have the mentality that I nor any other  prisoner has a

   right to  complain since we committed  crimes, some very bad, and so  don't deserve     to be given  any compassion or concern.   That is simply untrue: no mater    what    was done  in the past does not justify brutality and indifference and cruelty in    the future.

         For  those with that  mentality should keep in mind that it is  axiomatic that

   when  you treat men or women like  animals then don't be  surprised when they act    like 'animals - because that is  how that cycle often begins: at home or their  communities.


a long time ordeal has ended for a bit- here is one letter, FFUP to DOC


CCI Warden Larry Fuchs

July 11. 2024

           RE: Bill Ledford 80495


     I am deeply concerned about Bill Ledford. He is not feeling at all well and is nauseated all the time , particularly when he eats. I talked to HSU Nurse Brittany and she said Bill was on Hunger strike- I emailed him after my talk with Brittany and he responded  He is not on hunger strike. He said he had eaten twice that day and regretted it as he felt much worse. He does not trust the nurses and has all kinds of legal efforts won and in process against the health establishment, so there is animosity on both sides. He is refusing to be touched by the nursing staff. He is finished with them as he considers them incompetent and hostile.


Bill has lost his feet and health because of the poor care he has received throughout his incarceration. I have run across crises with other type one diabetics in the system. For one, the prison fills its caloric requirement with cheap non nutritive, calorie rich Carbohydrates, which are the exact thing type one diabetics have the most trouble with. For another, there does not seem to be much understanding of the special needs of  the insulin dependent diabetics or caring to take the time to get treatment, meds or food right. Bill has seen the worst of this and fears he is dying. We cannot let that happen, especially because of lack of care.


Please speak to Bill and then consider asking his provider to order an outside visit to the UW hospital system. Bill needs a change. I have known him for many years. He never lies, helps everyone he can and has a wide view,making him a good counselor. We need him.

Please talk to him and see what you can do.

Thank you for your attention.



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