Sean Forester -Hoare
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Sean Forester-hoare |
590081GBCI ( Bd 1981, 41 W) :
This is the email thread between Sean's father in security Director Kind. Gives a good view of the situation .
This is Sean's lawsuit complaint:
here is a scroll down of many of the documents accumulate while I worked closely with Sean At that point I was not in contact with his father, who is now engage in struggling for his son.
my report on conversation with HSU:
John Kind response to my letter
his is the email thread between Sean's father in security Director Kind. Gives a good view of the situation .
This is Sean's lawsuit complaint:
here is a scroll down of many of the documents accumulate while I worked closely with Sean At that point I was not in contact with his father, who is now engage in struggling for his son.
my report on conversation with HSU:
John Kind response to my letter
Sean’s transcribed story ( written in small pencil print, unscannable)
first letter full out;(Note- this was hard to read (15 pages)small print pencil and some words I could not make out and many names were impossible and I guessed>)
the first part is about his innocence ,the second the health care and mrsa
My name is Sean Liam Forester- Hoare and I am an innocent man wrongfully convicted and I am literally being murdered by the Department of Corrections ( DOC). assaulted and sexually assaulted by staff.They break my bones, deny me needed Healthcare for life-threatening conditions. and keep me in life-or-death danger. I'm literally dying of MRSA, falling in seizures all day, in too much pain to live in, limping on a broken leg with a broken wrist and hand, 120 lbs underweight.,forced to stay RHU( the hole) to not be killed by gangs,denied TV, visits, phone and comfort for for a staff won't return me to protective custody(PC) knowing I'm to be killed in general population(GP) at Green Bay Correctional Institution(GBCI). Where staff assault and sexually assault me -on camera - in RHU and I can prove every word of this and gbci will kill me very soon if someone doesn't get me out of here. and my criminal case ties to what the DOC is doing. People need to know how corrupt t the courts and prisons are in Wisconsin. This has to stop.
I was a professional martial artist and musician. I was a very respected man in both fields and a popular teacher. I owned a non-profit business giving free lessons 4 to 6 hours Monday through Saturday in Kenosha, Zion, and Waukegan. I tried to be a hero my whole life. I took a job as a cop to try to continue this and was in the police academy.
One night at bar closing time I was taking the trash out and cutting up recycling as I had to do. my work and commuting schedule left me a night owl .But I was very ill then and heavily medicated. I was barely conscious. The neighborhood was mostly a good one, mostly elderly and young couples with children. except one house- the kwiakowskis. Tim was divorced twice for domestic violence. Jon was a known drug dealer and in a death metal band called “courtesy flush”,. a lewd inference to the toilet humor. They blasted music all day, sat drinking in the driveway revving up motorcycles,. let their dogs visit neighbors’ yards.. Jon painted” Nigger” on a mixed couples house. Worst of it had drag races down the street, old ladies and kids playing on. They killed a lot of pets intentionally running them over also.
While I was taking the trash out and they came racing down the street 80 mph. They swerved to hit me as if it was a joke: I had to jump into the grass. They were my neighbors. They got out of the car talking like they wanted to fight and threaten me. Tim was drunk clearly. I tried to ask them to calm down but when it was clear that it wasn't going to happen I turned to go inside and call 911. They circled me, then hit me in the head from behind and everyone jumped me. There was never less than four people holding me down on the ground. I never got up. I never swung even one punch. I was in a ball on the ground being held on both arms on the ground. Corey beat me in the face with a skateboard and ½ of a tooth was knocked out.Lori yelled for him to go inside now and get a knife which he did. Tim pulled my shirt over my head hockey-style and Lori stabbed me multiple times as did Cori. I was stabbed with a kitchen knife and a pair of scissors in the right arm and in the right lung all the way through. My lung collapsed I had to do something to get out of there.They were going to kill me. Ice 1 one punch from the ground up but didn't hit anyone. it got me out of my shirt and I was able to Runaway shirtless. in the melee Lori stabbed Jon in the neck. when a lot of people are swinging at one person, they always hit one of their own.
In video interrogations my attackers actually admitted to all of this except that they didn't know who stabbed me or Jon. Lori even described what it looked like when she stabbed me ,almost admitting she did it and realizing what she was saying stopped. I never should have been charged. The evidence showed I was the only one with any injury and cuts and bruises were all over my body, especially on my neck and arms and legs proving I was on the ground being beaten.
The problem was it was Richard c h a p e t e as his first case as head DA. and judge Alan Tochorst.(?).C h i a p e t e, you remember, as the DA 4/ 14/ 14 that got drunk and crashed his car into someone, tried to flee the scene and wrapped his car around a pole. Got out and. Went home. When his own cops arrested him he lied on-camera ibn interrogation for 4 hours that it wasn't him. He was asleep at home all the time. He lied in his case and. he lied in mine. He does whenever he wants and gets away with it. In any other state my conviction never would have been allowed due to his, his police and judges misconduct. He destroyed evidence, lied and newspapers and in the courts. Told the jury to ignore testimony and I and another witness for lying as we were on the stand,. lied about evidence and more And the judge acknowledged it all but allowed the trial to continue.
Before the trial he and the Kwiakowski's gave media events at bars passing out t-shirts and bracelets claiming John had a charity company it was found he didn't.The church Lori belonged to went to the newspapers that they were lying. even kick them out of .Church.They tried to make themselves look like me.
A mold of my Stab Wound was taken that would prove it was done by the missing knife in the kitchen set. All the police car camera footage showed Lori wiping blood off of knife and scissors with paper towels- all was catalogued to prove it existed and was sent to chiapete’s office and it disappeared never to be found again.
In the opening and closing statements he told the jury not to listen to me and all I would do is lie and deny doing anything. Tim got so mad on the stand, he pointed out to me and admitted he had never been so mad in his life and was trying to kill me.I cried on the stand and said how horrible I felt that someone else got hurt but I did not do it and even if I did it would have been self-defense and they were trying to kill me. Chiapete stood up and started clapping and told the jury I was lying.--
The state forensic expert stated the DA’s theory was “part impossible part improbable.” He lied in closing She supported his theory. He put a guy on the stand where lawn furniture was destroyed by teenagers and ask if I did it. Guy said no, he never seen me before. Also that he lied he lived over a mile away. In closing c h ia p ete said he was my neighbor and I did that.
The judge denied a mistrial over this which is beyond against the law. and told the jury if you take longer than 10 minutes to deliver it you'll be sequestered over the weekend and no one wants that. “I want this out of my courtroom as fast as possible, let the appeal courts figure this mess out” he literally told you the jury to find me guilty. All this isn't even close to all this state's misconduct.
The worst part is Chiapete and his detectives K n a u s and Dobesh knew I was innocent. They had video interrogations of the witnesses, my attackers, and. on camera, admitting that they jumped me but they convinced them to lie at trial that I somehow jumped all of them. And they never even match.. It is clear they lied. Lori said I hit Tim and then they jumped me. Tim said I hit lory etcetera but the night of the fight they all had the same story that they jumped me and I never had any weapon. which is why no one ever called the two witnesses who would testify to my innocence. The head detective from my County Mike Merrill knows I'm innocent and wants to testify to that. Attached to this is a letter from him. Cop states I'm innocent, How often do you see that?
As my mother was an eyewitness to this and the only person there that was not in the fight making her the most. if not only credible Witness. She will testify that it all happened as I say proving I'm innocent ..Neither witnesses were ever called to the stand nor have not been heard yet. My case should be easy to win but tragedy robbed my lawyer’s life. Rob Shellow knew I was innocent and picked me up as a client for nearly nothing, what was –..She got covid and died before moving forward in my case. My DA and judge no longer work for Racine.Noone has and invested interested in my conviction except K n a u s & D o b esh. But I don't have a lawyer I need one to move forward. I am serving life sentence for a crime I did not do but also for a crime that was done to me. I was assaulted and stabbed. They tried to kill me. I'm a person running away. Someone help. I can't do this any longer. I need a lawyer fast before it's too late. .There has to be someone out there. They can have whatever they want from my lawsuits and the wrongful conviction lawsuit If they pick up my case now. Or if DA Patricia Hanson in Racine or Attorney General Josh Kaul have a heart and logic to do the right thing and Release Me, I pray these words find them or a good lawyer to pick up my case.
Now in the meantime the DOC and GBCI are literally killing me and keeping me in life-threatening Danger. As a professional athlete, I got many injuries and a skin disease. I got MRSA so much I became symbrote (?)To it. I always have it and have to shower no less than two times a day with an antimicrobial soap or I get outbreaks. They are fatal if unattended eventually, like now..I also spread it to others. The DOC. policy 500. 60. 8 and CDC laws are clear on my condition. I have to be single celled on a medical unit, shower at least twice a day, Eat in cell and all linen has to be changed aidly. I also have permanent internal Fissures from spinal injuries. I have to shower to clean after I use the toilet or they get infected. The same policy and laws mandate the same treatment.
I suffered many broken bones, stab wounds, gun shot wounds and head injuries, I got neuromuscular disorder the same as Parkinson's causing serious and severe pain and an intestinal disorder. It's what used to be called “ shell shocked” It also leaves me intense skeletal, muscle, nervepath pain. It is a form of MRSA and comes with suicidal depression. I often due to being in prison hang myself or cuttmy wrist- not for attention- I just can't take it anymore.
Between the issues I usually am on 36 medications and restrictions ..I'm also supposed to be an ultrasound for the broken bones and I'm not supposed to be at Columbia or Waupun or Green Bay Correctional Institutions. as their Health Service units I below standard even for the DOC. They don’t even have a medical unit at these prisons much less ones with single cells.
As to the security issue, it's obvious. It doesn't matter if I was in Police Academy are working a job f For years, I'm a cop to everyone. And as I am fighting a self-defense case I can't fight back to assault by guards or inmates. I have to just take it. Since County jail I've been assaulted regularly-always by groups. As a result of inmates getting in trouble for it , 4 gangs put hits on me to rape or kill me.The Vicelords in pariticular, but also ?,?,Blackstone. Anyone gets paid to assault me. I don’t only get assaulted regularly, I've been stabbed three times over those hits. one in the face, 1 in the throat and I have scars to prove it. Per DOC 306.S.1. I'm always supposed to be PCed and the only maximum prisons are supposed to be in Dodge Correctional or WSPF. as the others can’t keep me safe. I'm at GBCI and intentionally not being protected.
Here's how this happened:.
When the DOC makes mistakes, they don't fix it, they retaliate on you to try to scare you into being quiet about it. And the cycle starts. I was at DCI and getting Health Care and .PC. .A new captain tried changing the way DCI runs, Captain Nichols. She transferred out the long-term inmates. They said wspf would be safe. But when I got there security director Hartman took me off PC. I was recognized day and I was assault. I was stabbed twice before they moved me to the unit a little safer. I had a lawyer then before she died. she started a lawsuit over letting me be assaulted and stabbed for years. Kartman head ,Hsu manager Waterman, and ACP mecardle canceled all my health care in retaliation. When she threatened to file another lawsuit, ,kartment sent me to WCI knowing they had no medical unit barely and Hsu and I would be in great Danger.
I was assaulted in 1 hour of being there and none of my Healthcare was returned. I got MRSA all over. It’s on my body, in my Fissures and blood. It's on my gums and is now eating holes in the roof of my mouth. My body feels like acid burns all over and inside. It will kill. Instead of treating it they kept sending me to 4 different hospitals hoping one would play ball with them. And all 4 said I need my treatment back or I'll die. after 11 months due to it and the constant assaults and a third stabbings, they transferred me. But security director Falke retaliated and sent me to the worst prison in Wisconsin =GBCI. The most unsafe prison with almost no HSU. They don’t even have a doctor! But before they transferred me, they crippled me.
Due to the constant assaults and death threats I have spent most of my time WCI. They don't have PC. At WCI, in the hole ,staff retaliated by assaults and sexual assaults. Staff literally raped me many times- Sgt Beahm, Cpt Birdishaw, CO Roper, CO Bublitz, Lieutenant Stannick- dozens of dozens of times, would put me in leg shackles, handcuffs, waist shackles and either put me in a cell with no camera, shower stalls, or closets- chain me to a door so I couldn't move and group assault me. 5 times I was able to crawl just enough into the hallway to get it caught on camera. In the assaults my right fibula wrist, and hand were broken so many times they will never heal. I have no feelings but severe pain in my hands now the nerves were severed. Two surgeons said surgery can't be done on my leg due to the nerves so I need many months of ultrasound therapy to heal. I was given the machine a year later when I was transferred to gbci but GBCI won’t give it to me.
These guards did more than beat on me and use the Cuffs to snap my bones broken. They raped me. Roper used his thumb to penetrate my anus and thrust it over and over so hard it bled and I have permanent Cuts in hemorrhoids from it. Then he would pushed the dirty thumb in my eyes and gauge them with thumb and feces. He and Beahm would crush my testicles and penis hard with their hands and say “you know you love it”. I actually have that on camera. One can imagine I tried to kill myself many times due to this.The emotional scars are worse than the physical ones and I can no longer walk anymore. ACP Moore, RN Weinman went out of their way to make sure I got no medical or psychological help. PSU psychological staff has not even seen me at all since this started. I get no help medically, clinically or security.
WCI did a dirty trick when they sent me to GDC I. Captain Cushing is in charge of PC at GBCI He used to work at WCI and is friends with the staff that assaulted me. WCI made it look like la fixed situation and in the transfer it's States it's for me to get my health care and PC needs met. But the day I got here Cushing took me off PC and had HSU cancel all Healthcare again. Not one of the 36- medications, 11 restrictions or therapy is given to me. One could say it is bad care if it's for one or two things but everything is intentional. It is clear I was sent here for Crushing to kill me.
Before I left WCI I was shown .via email on tablet that gangs told GBCI that I was coming and to kill me and they would get paid. One inmate that stabbed me at wspf a Vice Lord is here. He spread it out. Staff has written 15 reports proving with investigation I'm not safe here and need to be transferred. and my health needs can’t be met here. Incident reports for 43725 documented staff hearing not just staff but inmates promising to rape and kill me. The ADA disability Brown wrote a DOC 2430 stating I need to be transferred for all this. Internal affairs caught staff promising to kill me. Even the corrupt complaint staff( i c e) affirmed 3 complaints that I'm not safe here. I have to be transferred and returned to PC and returned my health care on file numbers gbci 2021 4191, gbci 2022 9816, gbci 2022 1100. Yet no one will do it. Administrative Captain Swickatoski, security director Kind, Warden Haese and Radke openly ignore policy and even these DOC orders. They even made fun of me for asking them to. it's intentional. But staff doesn't just threaten me; I get assaulted regularly.
Captain Cushing,. LT Matushak,. Co Fruchbrodt, CO Hoffman, CO Sangrave, Sgt Haupt,regularly assault me. They rebreak my broken bones, slammed a door on my hand slicing my wrists open- 2 in and doing prominent nerve damage.
Same routine as WCI and there is nowhere for me to go. It's an on camera 4 whole gangs,, most of the prison promises to rape and kill me., GBCI 2022 9816 caught it on camera, I can’t go to GP or I'll be killed and inmates get raped and stabbed daily here. GBCI is like a horror movie. but staff do the same in RHu to me, ACP lavoie, tizebiatowski,wachhol, RN malushole make sure I get no medical help. When I try to file a lawsuit Hoffman ripped up all my paperwork even the files for my criminal case and family pictures. .
So I'm dying of MRSA, falling and seizures all day, in too much pain to live in. While in life or death Danger- forced to take tickets to stay in RHU to not get killed; denying me TV , visits and phone. While staff assaults me regularly. I'm going to die of MRSA soon if someone doesn't do something, .
So I started a hunger strike. I was 222 lb. I'm 100 lbs, now. I lost around 120 lb. I can't walk on my own. so I'm limping on broken leg. I'll die soon. I vomit blood it's so bad. Per DOC 300.00 .57 the doc had to get a court order to feed me when my BMI ( body weight ) got to 16.- 4 9:22. it was 16 BMI and my blood glucose level wouldn't go over 48 proving my kidneys failed and the Doc still won't get a court order to feed me. As they are killing me with MRSA they are killing me now. I can't come off hunger strike as I’ll die here otherwise if not transferred out of gbci .I'm going to die of MRSA if staff won’t kill me first..Until I'm transferred, I'm pretty much going to die,
So I humbly beg everyone help me. I need a lawyer for my criminal case and to handle a lot of lawsuits on the DOC. to save my. Life. My family has a crowdfunding page, please donate to it. Please any lawyer out there, pick any case. any case . Please attorney general Kaul and district attorney Hanson dismiss my conviction. Please everyone command them and demand they do so. Please contact the DOC to transfer me and return my Healthcare and PC. I'm going to die soon if not and I can't live in prison any longer. I'm innocent and can prove it. I just need a lawyer or the AG or DA to do the right thing. But time is a factor. I need hem to release me immediately. and I have to be transferred and treated today. Please everyone help me and I need all your prayers . I'm the most devout religious man so I don't know why God would let this happen to someone that spends his life helping others. But I'm going to die soon if someone doesn't fix this.So please I beg you help me before it's too late. An innocent man is about to die in prison. Spread this story to everyone and fast.
I humbly beg you for your help
Shawn Forester- Hoare 590081
Green Bay Correctional Institution
legal mail po box 19033, Green Bay Wisconsin 54307
Personal mail PO Box 189 Phoenix MD 21131/ phone 920- 432- 4877
10-4 22
much more coming as needed.
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