Saturday, August 24, 2024

Andre Tinnon

Andre Tinnon 306887 CCI
  Andre is one of our litigator guides, helping other prisoners with their criminal and civil rights cases. Learning the  law is one of the best tools in there to keeping sane, getting your head above the abuse and getting out with psyche intact. Andre himself has been a long journey learning how to ground his frustrations in a healthy way and staying out of segregation. This is especially hard for those who are innocent. Read his story: 

ANDRE TINNON(306887) Wednesday, August 21, 2024 1:25 AM 

    So I was arrested on 11-12-2009 for first -degree intentional homicide, firearm by felon. I received life without parole for a crime I didn't commit. So my uncle called crime stoppers ,and reported a crime in Milwaukee on the north side on 19 th Place. It was reported by the Milwaukee newspaper that I killed my aunt over $65,000 and two kilos of crack cocaine. So on 7-14-2009 I was released into the custody of the u.s.marshals, and I was extradited back to Cleveland, Ohio for a arson case ,and I was under a federal investigation for a major drug crime in Cleveland Ohio but it was later not processed ,and I was later released from Lorraine corr.inst.which is on c-cap for 2009.

So I asked my parole officer could I go back to Florida where I lived for the large part of my life in Miami which is Dade county. So I never lived in Ohio but my family lives there ,and I had other friends who stayed,lived out there. But I caught a case out there in 2004,and later I was on parole out there in Cleveland Ohio.But my girlfriend was born, raised in Cleveland so she's from Ohio not not me but she later moved to Florida with me.

So I went back and forth to Cleveland, Miami, Milwaukee. But the way I was travelling my uncle lied to the police, f.b.I., and told them I was running a drug ring.Which was bullshit the victim was shot in the head,chest execution style as read in the news media.

But this is truth I was not in Milwaukee at the time of this made up story my uncle gave to the police. I was Cleveland county jail under a multi-state federal investigation for multiple murders, and major drug crimes which iam innocent on for these states G.A,OH,TN,WI,FL,. I wrote a book about my case called solitary, solidarity. I did a worldwide live radio documentary about my case,life.You can look up this site where my interviews all took place. (Prison focus radio 1-13-2022. I am in no type of way  a drug kingpin- they painted a weird picture of my life.And the crazy thing about it my finger prints was nowhere on this gun.

When you get to this site it will say a live interview with editor Nube Brown,Andre Tinnon . This is all on sound cloud. I never killed anyone in my life I never had a drug case in my life you can look at my whole c-cap. I'm not a murderer.This is what my discovery documents state: my uncle was in the Milwaukee county for beating his ex wife ,and he wanted to go home so bad ,and then he led the police to a murder scene. How could he go home right after that ,and then he led the Milwaukee police Dept to the murder weapon in his home .How ?He just confessed to a murder! And then all the sudden go home.How?My thing is this how can I be in Milwaukee, Cleveland at the same time?Its not possible in no kind of way!I was under a federal investigation at the Cuyahogo Cleveland county jail,and then I was released back into the community in Ohio in 2009. I then went back to Florida, and I was arrested, and sent back to Milwaukee to fight. Murder, a major drug case -you can look me up for Milwaukee journal sentinel in 2009 November. And you can look up my own litigation on west ( Tinnon vs.Boughton)for united state cases for eastern district, western district as well.This person worked at Milwaukee county jail,house of corrections. I knew this person before she started working in corrections but they was know kin or relation to me. She was not my girlfriend but we was cool.But I never killed her the media defamed my name.I have proof from my mom that the victim was know kin to me or her, meaning my mom.She was a family friend nothing else or nothing less.So this my truth after 14 years I been locked up thank you for hearing my story because its all true.Sincerely Andre Tinnon!!Dated 8-20-24 Thank

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