Friday, August 23, 2024

Harry Fumich

Harry Fumich 120028 GBCI
Battling cancer with a life sentence
turning to writing, staying positive

Harry Fumich 120028  GBCI

    My name is Harry Fumich. I'm 57 years old, white male. I'm serving a life sentence for homicide. I hope/ pray people will see the man I am, not the man I was before prison.

    I have been through many challenges since coming to my faith. Honesty number one. I had to look honestly into my soul and life and come to work on why my life ended up in such pain  hurt loss, drugs ,crime,  causing a lot of suffering to others. And  the changes are great. I say changes because I had to change and still work on ideas, thoughts, choices, decisions.

     I have fought cancer, 28 treatments, seven surgeries and much more. Now I have health issues, cancer symptoms once again. There's times of pain and suffering is very hard. Also the outcome of what may or may not happen. But it's made me a better person, stronger and more determined to be a leader, guider for our human world- To help others overcome the obstacles I have faced in my entire life. We all will suffer, lose, love. .But it's how we endure and keep having a strong hold on Hope, love, kindness for all people no matter what race, religion, beliefs. At a time in my life I have to be honest, I was a very selfish, greedy, uncaring person. I hope to hear from others. I don't in any way close my soul eyes to anyone, no matter what. So maybe we can become friends. Feel free  to ask me anything. Thank you and God bless us all. my hope is for all of us to be kind.

 Sincerely Harry  Fumich  120028

 Green Bay Correctional Institution

 PO Box 189

 Phoenix, MD  21131

Harry's first book



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