Saturday, July 27, 2024

DarRen Morris

Animal in a cage by DarRen Morris
DarRen Morris

Self Portrait DarRen Morris 


DarRen  Morris is an inspiration for all. When I first met him, h e was always in segregation , being abused and fighting back, He is severely deaf and that makes all worse inan environment where few accommodations are made for the handicapped. With DarRen's help , FFUP submitted a proposal with several suggestions on how to make life better in there for the deaf. They were not accepted but slowly over the years, there has been increased awareness and some good action. 

DarRen has healed himself through contact with caring people.  He and a goo friend published a book together, link below and he himself wrote a guide to help other kids like he was, navigate their way to a healthy life style

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