Saturday, August 24, 2024

Jeff Poff


JEFF POFF FILES motion for DNA TESTING to prove innocence

Jeff Poff has been trying to prove his innocence for as long as I have known him-at least 20 years. And now there has been enough time that danger has diminished and the community is coming out to support him, for they all know he was framed and who actually did the murder. Jeff Poff is son of a gang leader and the rivalry between gangs made him a target.

jeff Poff when we first started writing
Jeff Poff today, at 52
With witnesses ready to testify to who actually did the killing, jeff has filed a motion requesting DNA testing of the evidence of is case and matching that DNA with the men now being exposed as the sulprits. The curt has been sitting on the motion and Jeff is requesting media and community support to help him move his case forward.

Behind his conviction is police corruption.  Jeff names those in the police force and DAs that framed him and others and have been since exposed.: Timothy Heier. Cathy Hein, Gilbert Hernandez, Rickie Burems, Police Chief Alfonso Morales and DA mark Williams

Three victims of the above officers' corruption have been exonerated and Jeff hopes to be the 4th. Here are the now freed men's names: William D Avery, Chante Otts, Ladarius Marshall

Here is link to Jeff's blog,a work of many years:

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