We have been around and around the block on this one and the case of fellow GBCI Seg prisoner Sean Forester-Hoare. Our first goal is to get these guys diagnoses-d they believe they have mrysa and are not being treated. the GNBCO denies it, say they are fine but the sores of Mrysa are hidden in the moist dark areas of the body and it is very contageous and requires determined thorough, focused sanitation and cleaning procedures which neither are getting. I dropped the ball on these two after many futile attempts and now that FFUP is getting stronger, am in the process of renewing efforts.
Each have multiple other issues but here concentrate on conditions allowed tolerated/promoted in RHU units . That we cannot get to step one- get these guys tested shows how badly unbalanced the system is. Punishment only and caring is not allowed. Our destress tools are not allowed in ( hobby and pens and pencils)and they are allowed either a crayon or rubber pencil to write with. The rubber pencil is what I get mostly-- it does not scan and must be read under the brightest light. Books have to come with a paper receipt which leaves most out- only the overstock book outlet- Hamilton Bookseller, makes the grade.
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