Friday, August 16, 2024

SUMMER 2024 Report on Solitary torture for all who will listen

 This will be an evolving post on current advocacy , starting with the crises in our RHUs ( restrictive health units) where most of the mentally ill are held long term and where many of those that try to reach the outside with complaints are unjustly sentenced with fake conduct reports.

 Generally, all who are transferred  to "Segregation" ( the general term), lose most or all their property to theft by other prisoners and and corruption by staff ( lose the legal material) so the abuse of segregation is a BIG ITEM for all. 

Our first focus here is on the mentally ill in GBCI and WCI RHUs.  I have gone to a couple Investigative reporters and will start here with  a listing of the prisoners whose situations can be exposed now- I will link here to their individual blog posts where I will link the documents I have. and I have  invited the prisoners and family members  to submit what they need whenever they need , to  their loved one's  post.

You will note that there are many more GBCI prisoners here than WCI. And , if  you are following int he news, the deaths that have been reported have been in WCI. What I see is  policy of intimidation where the prisoners are cycled between the two prisons- they go to WCI if they do not shut up and there is a policy there of not intervening in crises. I am told by prisoners that this is done everywhere- to let the scene play out( suicide or Heart attack ,stroke) if the guy is a litigator or uses the complaint system alot. THe prisoner scream and scream for help and then are not believed later when they report to theation so that new guards are not trained by old guard thug guards.  outside. I am told that in CCI RHU there are no call buttons  in the RHU  units so prisoners have to rely on neighbors yelling for them in crises. 

this is crayon original and transcription of letter by Damien Green which gives us ideas for first steps in righting this behemoth Corrections system- get rid of thug leaders and change rotation system so that new staff is not trained by the thug gaurds. We will start with  open records requests for complaints against the main bad actors listed here.

I chose the prisoners below to start with because they have family members willing to speak to legislators and reporters or because their stories are needed if we are going to give the most complete picture of the situation, Famileis and friend will join us later if we can keep focused. 

Terrance Grissom :

he is our poster boy for who should not be in seg- always at war, the guards  never seehis kind and understanding side. He is explosive verbally but not physically.letter of concern from other inmates near him and out attempts to get him to Colorado and his other here-plus. 

Damien Green: Horrendous abuse here and an example of being set up to fail- he will get out AGAIN in less than a year, more wounded than the last time- Truth -in- Sentencing (TIS) prisoners get out date mandated and are pushed tot he stress "ready or not" and none are ready as there is no treatment or training for most and they come out traumatized.  How can we help him get a safe and nurturing place to land where he can begin true healing?

Eric Henson: Bi polar and steadfast in his complaining about abuses get his fine tuned retaliation: he has family support and we have high hopes that we can help him.

Carl Barrett Is Bi-polar like Eric Henson and like eric , his family is working with us to help him

Sean Forester- Hoare:

  Sean has multiple issues, which include the fact that he is innocent, has a broken, intreated leg.  What we are concentrating here is that he believes he has Mrsa and cannot get it looked at by an outside physician. Like others in there, his mistrust of HSU has grown to the point that he will take no treatment from them. All is stuck. 

Dean Hermosillo:

another GBCI RHU prisoner who thinks he has mrsa. We are renewing contact with him now in hopes that we can now get some changes for the better for Dean.

Fredrick Morris

is on AC , works incessantly on his innocent case, has self harmed, is from chicago 

Michael Evans: ironical , the judge gave him a prison sentence when he was young because there he would get treatment> HUH?

Because of the dangers involved , my contact are with those who have made it out of Seg at WCI

Jeff Poff- WCI

Tommie Carter -WCI coming


testimonies of those who made it out of seg: these are NOT READY TO VIEW

 Raynell Morgan/Kamau TZ Damali: the heart breaker. Has all the symptoms the Psychiatrist talk about when prisoners are too long in seg-a story we will tell with letters docs and Kamau's writings. 

tMatthew Stechauner:-

Learning the law and heaping others with their cases has been the way Matt keeps his sanity. He relasped after a PREA assault and self harmed for 6 hours- noone helped. much coming here- just start posting. also has innocent case and proof thereof. 

Chance Wallow:

DarRen Morris :

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