Tuesday, September 10, 2024

First look

Below are some of the prisoners posted here; look at the side bar to this blog and you will see prisoners listed by last name. Under that is  a listing by issues. Each prisoner gets a link to his or her particular post and is asked to send it to family and friends. We  hope this helps start a movement for real change.
This blog is in its infancy and we ask for you patience.

Main issue I am starting with - conditions in RHUs ( restrictive housing units)in our maximum prisons. 
link to gathering post on that issue: 

Corleon Thomas, TIS prisoner
with too much time
this case is a good example of the wrongheadedness
 of truth  in sentencing

Sean Forester -Hoare: he and his family believe he has Mrsa, is also trying to prove his innocence. FFUP's attempts to get confirmation of diagnosis and treatment unsuccessful- picking this up again
Terrance Grissom- mentally ill . in for disrupting, here still 20 years later/ needs to go home to colorado where his mother resides

Bryant Johnson, on 24 hr oxygen ,
 need compassionate release
another pld friend to FFUP- old law prisoner ,eligible for parole for decades 

Bill Brocket too long in prison

Raymond Woods
first post describes being "inmate"

because he assaulted a guard who was abusing him

Second Chance for Juvenile Offenders

this is a blog done at least five years ago that we are updating now and again,, will invite all those still in or system to write and we will post.

Nate Lindell, another story of transformation: from Bigot to a caring and effective litigator/many good ideas to share

Jimmy Johnson 328433  FLCI
always claimed innocence, now has proof, given the absurd amount of time- 113 years
working with FFUP prisoner litigator guides. 


Kendrick Sellers 
first blogpost tells of lessons about racism he learned from his father. 

Luis Nieves has stage 4 cancer. We worked with him in 22 and 23 after he had  all  his meds and palliative care taken away when new doctor came in- This is a good example of WIDOC health care and the "special needs committee" which can override any recommendations and orders made by off site, independent doctors

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First look

  Below are some of the prisoners posted here; look at the side bar to this blog and you will see prisoners listed by last name. Under that ...