Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Kenny Warren proposes a new second chance program for all prisoners

 Kenny Warren 394239 JCI

Kenny Warren 394239 JCI
1982 BD 41

 9 11 2024 JCI

        My name is Kenny Warren and I'm a confined citizen of Wisconsin prison system. I have been incarcerated well over 20 years for my first adult prison offense. This occurred in 2001 when was 18 years. and this time of confinement I've grown to embody what the prison system(used) to exhibit. which is really validation and re-enter back to society

   Unfortunately political authorities have foregone the true purpose of the penal system in lieu for mass incarceration and monetary gains for those heavily invested in the warehousing of its citizens.

   Prison reform is necessary because it forgoes punishment, while , facilitating education that will lower one's criminal thinking elevates critical thinking amongst other skills.

     Most incarcerated citizens find themselves back in society upon completion of this sentence or via some form of ERP.( early release program). So the need to demonize in order to fear monger tougher policies and lower discriminatory sentencing needs to be abolished. Instead, there needs to be an Awakening about rapist murders and career criminals from those who had an unfortunate  poor decision deter their life because there is a stark difference between the aforementioned and those who stumble due to a lack of guidance.

         Yet and still, we need to find ways to offer meaningful reforms/ programs to all incarcerated citizens; and not simply the ones releasing in 2 to 5 years. That is not reform ,only a temporary solution to a much larger problem

       To let us live up to the promise of Mr ever's and now his newly appointed Mr hoy, regarding decreasing the prison population by half, and Mr Hoy is believing in second chances/ Rehabilitation, I propose that Ever's initiate what I call” Wisconsin Second Act program”. This program will offer a chance for first-time offense violators to earn a second chance through the lens of education and self reflection.

     In a nutshell, the program would require all eligible incarcerated citizens( who have served at least half their sentence) to remain major conductive for free for 5 years; have made efforts towards obtaining their education; have demonstrated an understanding toward the crime in which they are incarcerated: the impacts for which it placed upon the community/ family .This would be followed by a minimum of two years at a work release to not only monitor adjustment behaviors in such an environment but to a secure Financial self-sufficiency aid upon release.

    This structure would allow a major shift in the incarcerated thinking and behavior with something to reach for. No longer occupied by boredom, prison politics, and a lack of programming  for guys with longer sentence structures. This Aid will create an incentive to desist from harmful behaviors and immediately begin reforming. Next, this will ensure that the incarcerated embark on higher education, that will place them well above the professional glass ceiling.

    Higher education promotes soft skills critical thinking, time management pro-social skills, and so on would thereby learn how to take responsibility for their actions. The benefit received would be a reduced prison population and our former  ex-offenders could then contribute to society as a protective member of his or her community.

      And finally showing that you the incarcerated citizen understand the reason behind ones incarceration, while being willing to work, shows one committed to community and being a productive. Citizen.

   Reform is not difficult. The ability to face fear means politicians must refrain  from hiding behind the public as to why they haven't made any real adjustments to the prison reform. Slavery was and still is a part of this country's DNA. Servitude it is called. Yet it took an extraordinary being to stand up for the weak and abolish slavery even when the majority stated : slavery now, slavery forever”. “ it took the strong to March for equal rights when they were being beaten, hung and jailed.,,.,, it took integrity ,bravery, and very spirited people to shout for the mountain tops to finally be considered a citizen.

      Therefore, it will now take strong leaders to dismantle- Truth-in- Sentencing, and mass incarceration, and speak with guys like me, for real comprehensive reform to a broken system…

In FFUP’s Mass letters to state prisons dated summer 2024. Mr Zilstra spoke in part.. you have spoken with “numerous governors , elected officials and prison leadership” as did you stayed in part..  you sight”ensuring Rehabilitation versus warehousing”

    Well, in my 23 years of imprisonment I have demonstrated what rehabilitation is… I have obtained my associate's degree in small business this year. Became educated in CNC programming in 2021. As have maintained steady employment. I have no violent history, gang ties, body art, nor an extensive criminal record- only a drug conviction from”2000”. No juvenile record..

      So I would love support for me and my fight for liberation. I need help getting 22 Signatures  on my” c h n g. it/ 6l422 nks  petition. Also I need strong influences to speak with Mr Evers before my case is filed.  I thank you for your time and help respectfully submitted. Kenny L Warren [Kenny Warren 394239 JCI

to write : Kenny Warren 394239
Jackson Correctional Institution 
PO Box 189

Phoenix, MD 21131

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