Saturday, October 5, 2024

Fabian Zepeda 231081 WRC

Fabien Zepeda

Fabien Zepeda 231081 
Wisconsin Resource Center (WRC)

  every time


 see the light i

 turn around


 see the darkness about

 to engulf

 me again, where i  am

 the true


 the liar, The Deceiver

 the sexual deviant,& the

 Destroyer of Souls, where


 choose to be hateful &


 only enjoying the


 When  every being on


 feels just like me


 do you let me dwell

 so freely



To whom it may concern

 my name is Human

Being (B.I.C.A.)A worthless

 useless, lowlife, crackhead

& and list goes on and on.

 it's gotten to a

 point it's not even insult-

 ing to be called a loser,

 to be truthful i dwell in the

 misery Ii created.

i  know what you the

 reader of these words is th-

Inking  what a warped & twi’

sted  mind he has.

I  beg you to under-

 stand that I'm not making

 excuses for who i Am,

 I'm just trying to  get 

Understanding  to  why

 I am






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