Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chance Wallow, honest and wise after years of abuse in solitary

 Chance Wallow spent years in segregation  and was known for his serious suicide attempts. He is now in general and will be getting out soon. His first issue here is about the fact that The cells  in the prison he is in , WSPF ( formerly supermax), have no source of outside light- no windows that open to the outside. This causes depression and serious health concerns

Chance Wallow


Chance  w a l l o w  458649 WSPF 9 2924

      Me growing up wasn't easy but it wasn't horrible either. It's always been me and my brother, Shawn.  When we were born my mother was in  taycheedah for forgery. My mom kept me and my brother Shawn but gave our other three brothers, Allen, Chad and Brock and our two sisters, Gwen and Crystal up for adoption. And me and my brother got put with our mean grandmother because two years after we were born my dad went to prison for kidnapping and assault and at this time my mom was still in Taycheedah finishing up her sentence. Anyway, my grandmother was mean. She cut off all our hair, made us use the bathroom in front of company and she would put us out in the rain if we cried or she was in a bad mood. Sometimes we would sit outside for hours at a time. Anyway, shortly after turning four my mom came home and we were so happy we finally had our mom back.

  After a couple weeks of being out she got a job waitressing at George Webb's in Milwaukee on the south side and made sure we were straight. My dad wasn't coming home for another year and we couldn't wait.  Finally the Year passes and my dad  comes  home and we were super happy. We finally had both .parents back and it felt good. My dad had got a job as an electronic technician at the store down the street from where we live. Then he got a job as a drummer. He was very good. He opened up for Cheap trick Journey real Speedwagon and a couple others. I could still remember like it was yesterday. It was Father's Day I believe .The year was 96. anyway my dad came home to a brand new drum set . He loved his drum set and as time went on he had it BAngals and all the professional stuff. I remember when we used to live on 7th and Becher in Milwaukee my dad would open the windows and play the drums he had in the attic and people would stop and sit in front of the house and listen to him. My parents barely ever argued. As time went on they started drinking. Let me note that even though they drank they always made sure we had everything we needed. They were very good parents. Anyways when I was 11 and my brother was 10 we were bored walking down this alley and out of nowhere he gets the idea to start a garbage can on fire. So us being young we went with it. Anyway the same night a cop came to our house and asked which one of us did it. I lied and said I did it cuz that's my brother and I didn't want to snitch or see him in trouble. Anyway they took me to DT I was let out but I had to be in house arrest, which is when a person comes to the house three times a day to make sure I'm home. If I wanted to go somewhere they had to approve it. Well my parents would have people over drinking sometimes when the house arrest people would come. so little did we know,  they were marking  it down. So one day while me and my brother were at school, I went to a long Fellow my brother went to Lincoln, the social worker Mara Youngbouer pulls me out of class and tells me I can't go home. I asked her why. she said it wasn't safe for us to live there. In my head I know she doesn't know what she's talking about. so I asked her where my brother  was. What she said ,there was a social worker at the school and they will be meeting us at her office.

   So we left and went to her office where they were waiting. It took her like 4 to 5 hours to find us a foster home after finally finding one in Milwaukee It was real nice Church going black family. We continued going to our schools. I don't know exactly what happened but we ended up getting sent to another foster home in Beloit. At this point I was getting in trouble regularly. So I did good at this place for like a year then I started getting suspended and stuff so these people said they didn't want me no more. So they separated me and my brother. I didn't care anymore so from that foster home I went to this other foster home by Lacross,  ran away from there and I ended up in a  Group home In Platteville. I got super drunk one night went out and stole some alcohol. I got underage  drinking ticket  and put in detox. From there I went to a residential Center, went to court and ended up running. Ran home cops came a couple days later and got me. I then went to Lad Lake, was there for about 2 months, finally earned privileges to go home for weekend visits. Well,I left and never came back. They called authorities and they found me hiding in my mom's closet. From there I went to foster home in Dodgeville. did good there; eventually ended up getting caught with drugs in my locker which got me expelled from there. I went to another foster home. I messed up there, went back to Lad Lake; completed that program,, ended up getting stuck in a group home in Bangor, ended up running around drinking and getting into trouble. I finally ended up in Morris residential Center. I acted up there also and now they had nowhere to put me.So since they ran out of places to put me and I'd almost 16th they put me back home with Mom who was living on 68th and National in West Allis. A couple weeks after being back home I met some kids in the neighborhood and it didn't take long for me to fall into drinking and smoking weed and by this time my parents were full-blown alcoholics. My dad was at this time living on 8th and Grant so as time went on I got introduced to the gang life and after I put my work and it showed my Loyalty, I got  jumped in and was in the hospital for 2 weeks with fractured ribs. I was then givin my flags and once we left Chicago I was officially a Almighty Imperial gangsta. Two and a half weeks after turning 16 me and three others decided to rob the sky that had  plenty money, drugs and Jewelry We tied his wife up and Pistol whipped him till he gave us the combination to the safe. Once we got it we took everything;was going good until one day one of the people got pulled in for questioning about the robbery. He folded and snitched on all of us so I ended up doing a year in Lincoln Hills. Once I did my year I was 17 and a half I got placed back home. I got my own place. I went to prison at the age of 18 for substantial battery intimidating a witness and. bail jumping.I did three and a half years, one and a half in, Two Out. Since  then I've been to prison five other times due  to poor  choices. In 09 when I was locked up  my mom died .When I just did the 6 years in Waupun from 2015 to 2021 my dad died. I'm going to make this my last incarceration.
      my getting  locked up this time has really opened my eyes to some positive things. I don't get as mad as easy as I used to.  I also think before  I act. My brother is still in my corner always has been. We got a strong bond I also got an amazing woman a good friend named Peggy swan in my corner which I am thankful for. There's a lot of stuff I didn't write in this story because some stuff I'd rather not think about. Changing takes time. It doesn't happen overnight. When I get out I've made a decision to remain sober. I'm also not going to smoke no weed till I'm off. paper..

handwritten copy of Chance's story:

Raynell Morgan strong in face of incredible trauma and retribution

Kamau TZ Damali aka Raynell Morgan

Raynell Morgan on solitary

Raynell Morgan essay on solitary

"The Side Effects of Solitary Confinement"

letter introducing the above essay  

Nate Lindell dedicated justice worker

 Nate Lindell has become a dedicated Justice advocate and patient educator of folks like me. He is another OLD Law prisoner, in since 1999 and eligible for parole for decades but kept in thru conflicting rules, misinformation, and fear of you, the public. We all must embrace the idea: PEOPLE DO CHANGE. They are NOT their crime. 

litigator- I will link here some of his projects and then introduce and link them to the issue they are addressing . This man has many suits going that would help all-

Nate Lindell 303724 SCI

Post 824- Open records request for crucial information like complaints against staff and camera coverage of abuse by staff  is always difficult to obtain and ends up being very expensive. Here Nate is addressing the difficulty prisoners and their advocate friend have by sharing a lawsuit  that breaks the deadlock - below he explains and below that I will link the actual lawsuit . 


Hi Peg,

     Of course you and incarcerated persons can use that Brief that I emailed you to challenge any of the too-many rules that WDOC staff are constantly concocting. Derek DeGroot here (an excellent litigator) just used it to end a rule that SCI concocted that banned use of tape and staples.

    Below is a fuller explanation of where my case is at, the one about Open Records. (Rest assured tat all of the litigators at my prison ave access to what was filed in the case, although some have no need for it.) Please share it with Tim and other litigators. Just awaiting the judge's is time that you and others start requesting video footage under §19.35; if its denied, file Mandamus, let me litigate it, get your costs and punitive damages -easy peasy, get 'em for being greasy#


      In Dane County Circuit court Case #24-CV-1066 State ex rel Lindell v. Reese, the WDOC has argued that it denies all Open Records requests for body-cam footage based on a presumption that release of such footage would threaten security. The WDOC is also claiming that they deny all PREA scoring results, claiming that it could be manipulated by prisoners. In neither case did the WDOC explain how these records actually pose a risk to security in my case, nor is there any statute permitting a blanket denial of these types of records, meaning that the attempt by the WDOC to deny these records is clearly illegal, as our state court of appeals and supreme court have repeatedly ruled.

     The legal authority for my arguments is provide in the Brief that I filed responding to A.A.G. Sandra L. Tarver's Motion to Quash the Writ. We had oral arguments on 14 August, in front of judge Everett D. Mitchell, and are awaiting his written decision. I expect that Judge Mitchell will declare the WDOC's blanket ban on releasing video footage a violation of Wisconsin's Open Rec


link to text Behind petition:

Joseph Cook shares his thought log as he grapples with heartbreak

Joseph Cook 436664 

 Thought Log

Joseph Cook
Incarcerated as a juvenile, shares with us his "Thought log " he wrote while grappling with big disappointment and heartbreak

After 19 years in prison, I thought that I would never be sent back to a maximum security prison. I worked my way
down to a medium with the goal of eventually working my way down to work release and community custody. But
I fucked up and did some silly shit that landed me back to maximum security prison for a year. Waupun is the
max. prison they sent me to. I was very disappointed in myself. I let my family down, along with dragging them
down emotionally. My family is doing time with me. They are experiencing the joy of my accomplishments along
with the stress and pain of my mistakes.

Upon entering Waupun, it was suggested that I keep a Thought Log by my psychologist in order to document my
feelings. Expressing myself verbally to my psychologist was/is a challenge. Writing my feelings down throughout
the week prior to going to our sessions gave our sessions more material to discuss. Although the Thought Logs
started off as an exercise to better communicate with my psychologist they have become something more
personal. A daily habit I do for my own healing.

The first three entries were written during the first few weeks of entering Waupun. This moment of my life was
very stressful. After 90 days in the hole in a minimum security prison, I was shipped out or maxed out as we call it
inside prison, I was maxed out to Waupun. A maximum security prison as part of my punishment for getting into
trouble at a minimum security prison. I was so disappointed in myself. During this stage of my growth, I knew
better than to fuck up like I did. I knew the power of choices. Although the DOC is a dysfunctional institution, I
knew the consequences of my actions. Placing the responsibility of my actions in my own hands. With no one to
blame, I had to look within. The below reflects my process of dealing with myself. You will see that after a year in
Waupun, I was able to go back to a minimum security prison. And how that transition also altered the tone in my
thought log.

Thought Log 5-6-21
For years, I feel like I've been walking, stumbling, fumbling forward in a world where there is a perpetual fog.
Preventing me from appreciating all of the hardships I've overcame, goals I've reached, and precious bonds with
the power heal created. The now seems blurry, out of place, at a loss to where I came from and with no direction
for the steps forward. In the fog, shame mistakes, indiscretions, and a sense of wanting to feel invisible exist.
Although the fog interrupts one's vision it doesn't cloud the negative self image, or the lack of self acceptance I
feel for myself.

Book Entrance: When you drive your vehicle from place to place, you have awareness of your starting place as
well as an awareness of where you are going. You accept that you cannot get there instantaneously; you accept
that you will travel the distance, and in time, you will arrive at your destination. And while you may feel anxious to
get there, and maybe even tire of the journey, you do not get so discouraged at the midway mark that you just
turn around and go back to your starting point to the midway point and then finally collapse from the never-ending

You do not announce your inability to accomplish your journey. You accept the distance between your starting
place and where you desire to be and you continue to move like in the direction of your destination. You
understand what is required and you do it.

The fog is diminishing slowly. There is still a haze of self blame, of shame, of feeling like I'm not worthy of
compliments, help, positive acknowledgement. I believe acceptance of what was, what is, and what will be is the
beginning of a new dawn. But that acceptance is difficult. Yesterday, when I was on the phone with my creative
partner who is the Poet Laureate of WI. she told me she was going to make sure my book project becomes a
success. I immediately wanted to tell her I'm not worthy, or that I was a mistake. Immediately part of me negated
her statement. Apart of me wanted to tell her I wasn't the same man she met years ago. That I was weaker, more
prone to making mistakes, and on a downward spiral. I wanted to tell her their is a world of difference between
my gift of writing and me as a person just living. But of course, I didn't tell her that. She wouldn't have looked at
me differently. She loves and supports me, not based on my performance but based on my person.
Quote from Sistah Souljah:
Hibernate the heart, my sensei had taught me. In extreme situations or in captivity, isolation or tortore, only the hibernated heart will allow the fighter to prevail.
Silence is discipline. Even while being provoked, lied to, lied on, insulted, and maligned.

Emotionally, I'm riding the wave of being back in max. It feels like I'm on a raft and the waters are turbulent. I don't
fear tipping off, or drowning. I know I'll be safe if I just lay on the raft. I really desire to stand up, position my legs,
center my feet, and balance myself until the wave has dissipated and I'm able to walk unto the shore. With the
water and all it's potential danger beneath me growing more distant and less threatening as I make my way to
shore. Maybe that will come as I leave the DOC in general. Until then maybe turbulent waters will be the wave
that washes me up to freedom.
I left Waupun a year after that last thought log. I arrived in New Lisbon on May 25, 2022. Which was a shift in my
routine, my spirit, and my outlook on life. Waupun was hectic. Fights daily, extortion, drug use, screaming over
the tier all day, suicides, the sounds of guys getting tased , suicides attempts, along with the constant 24hr. cell
confinements due to the shortage of staff. New Lisbon, is regular. A walk in the park when compared to Waupun.
We get rec., and library constantly, the food is better, I have witness no fights, drug episodes, or even heard the
word suicide mentioned. The only thing I resented was not being able to take up my college courses for the fall
semester. It got delayed one semester. After I got over that and the fact that New Lisbon is so white and far away
from home, I was able to appreciate the limited freedoms provided by New Lisbon. And I was also able to create
opportunities for growth, opportunities to connect, opportunities to create spaces where a shared humanity is the

Thought Log 5-27-22
Today is my fourth day in New Lisbon. I know I should be happy due to being in a prison with more freedoms,
less violence, and more space. Maybe I'm not allowing myself to be happy based on the fact that I'm in New
Lisbon and not Racine or Oshkosh. Prisons that are closer to Milwaukee and Southeast Wisconsin. I feel like this
prison is a replica of all the other prisons: white officers and staff members that really have nothing to do with the
majority Black inmate population they are in control of. Racine would have been a breath of fresh air. More
healthy for my transitioning from the monotony and riffraff of prison time to the more meaningful and productive
aspects of preparation time. Being in a prison ran by Black and Brown people is more representative of the
people who represent my community. Good people are good people, but it's a difference between working with
people who know where you come from, who have compassion, understanding, and tolerance versus working
with people who are completely cultural strangers. I looked forward to attending the groups offered by Racine
some of those groups are offered by New Lisbon but there's a difference when the people who are conducting the
groups relate to you and have a vested interest in your success. Being in New Lisbon feels lonely, foreign,
strange, and unwelcoming. Besides being in their prison I know I don't belong here, around these people, in this
area. They view my incarceration not as a social and human crisis, but as a job/career opportunity for
themselves, their families, and their community. Sometimes I envy them, but most of the time I pity them. They
look as miserable as I sometimes feel. And to be a correctional officer, I wonder do they know their worth, did
they ever pursue their dreams, do they question a society who uses prisons as job opportunities for some
communities while destroying other communities?

Thought Log: 6-27-22
Today I feel alright. My thoughts are clear, my emotions are balanced, my body is fully functional. I have no aches
in my knees or elbows. I don't feel bloated, exhausted. A little sleepy, yet I feel the enthusiasm that comes with a
new day. I have to get back to writing more, thinking more in depth about my book manuscript and putting true
effort into my publishing goals. Sometimes I add old writings into new manuscripts in order to fill up space. I have
to stop that. It cheats my readers and also I'm cheating myself. Following a theme without deviation helps.
Gratitude Chart:
I'm thankful for friendship.

Monday morning! A new week. I'm continuing to adopt to my new environment. I'm attempting to find my rhythm.
A schedule of writing, reading, consuming information that serves a purpose. And incorporating some form of
spiritual practices. Fasting for a day, meditation, prayers that acknowledge a force bigger than myself. Rather that
force is Nature or Buddha or God or all three. I've been consistent with thanking God for each new day. Letting go
of the past, being open to new experiences, reaching for people who share my interest, and pursuing my
interest with a hunger like never before. How I've been feeling(like giving up) my state of being(down and
dejected) and my actions(dumb as hell) should have come in the beginning. Now I'm almost finished. The finish
line is in sight, so why stop now?*
Feeling sorry for myself, wanting others to feel sorry for me, all that shit has to stop. I have to be a force. Inwardly
and outwardly.
Gratitude Chart:
I'm thankful for Lauryn Hill
I'm thankful that I have the ability to see, to touch, to smell, and to think comprehensively.
*It's usual for guys with long prison bids to act out in the beginning of their time due to the adjustment period, and
during the end due to the anxiety of now getting closer to release.

It's okay. It's okay. I'm able bodied, sound minded, emotionally balanced, and goal driven. Focus, perspective,
priority, watch the company I keep. Be mindful of my words. Don't take things personal. Don't hold on to grudges
if you do transfer that negative energy into fuel for your goals. Don't posture, don't feed into bullshit. Don't focus
on others, neither staff nor peers. Be cordial, not friendly, or stand offish. Hold your on. Listen to good music, eat
good healthy food. Sleep, take naps, its not a form of laziness it's giving your body, your muscles time to
rejuvenate, rest, recovery. Have good conversations, listen to good podcast, surround yourself with good people.
Write....write good material. Read good literal. Meditate, pray, connect and give gratitude to life, to forces outside
of myself. Laugh more, look for humor more. Don't give shit talk power. Appreciate the skies, the trees, the fresh
air, water: cold, warm, hot. Sometimes look out the window at the night sky. Go hard for your dreams without the
anxious controlling feeling. Appreciate the process, the people involved, the connection with others and not just
the end result. Tell the people who you love, that you love them.

Today was a good day. I actually enjoyed it. My morning started off with two guys approaching me on some silly
negative shit. But after that, things went good. I told myself not to give that energy too much power, time, thought.
So it wouldn't ruin my day. Just an unpleasant moment. After that, I read. Prepared workout by drinking water and
stretching. I exercised all morning until my psych doctor called me in. Our session gave me perspective, insight,
and the cathartic experience of connecting,being vulnerable, sharing. I continued to have positive interactions
throughout the day. The poetry group went good. I had to practice being present, mindful, and present. It gets
dull, boring, tedious but that's that. Part of the poetry group that I'm committed to. So along with sharpening my
writing skills, and networking with other writers it's also an exercise of being mindful and present. I wrote one
poem today and emailed it to my agent/publisher. I also sent emails out to my love ones. I felt/feel myself growing
bitter towards some. I remember the quote by Gandhi or was it King, Become the change you want to see.? So I tell myself, I want others to be here for me, so I have to be here for others. I want mercy, so I have to give
mercy. I want to be shown compassion and forgiveness, so I have to be a compassionate and forgiving person.
That's what I'm building on. Still flawed, still fucked up, but also focused and forward thinking.

Tyler Milton, very young, gown wise through tough times

 Tyler Milton; Has had a long journey through the DOC . He was released and revoked, is mentally ill but has improved his behavior record enough to be in general and help all that are near him.

Tyler Milton, learning well the hard way

Carrie Metz, Native American writes about Needs in the women's prison TCI

CARRIE METZ (350814),Taycheedah Correctional Institution

Carrie Metz needs help herself and speaks for all
Latest post 121924:
Hi my name is Carrie Metz. #350814-- I am incarcerated at the Taycheedah Correctional Center. I have 16 months left to do. I have one son. Carson is almost 9 years old on Dec.16. His birthday is right before Christmas so he doesn't really get much of a birthday. He's been thru a lot. He has two heart defects, and we lost both of my parents during covid. And his dad got out of prison and took him away from my sister and her family....the only home he ever knew, when he was taken front them his whole world was shattered. He's had severe depression and anxiety since. His dad forces medication on his tiny little body that makes him dizzy and confused and I have no control over it. I'm so ashamed to not be with him. I'm not an addict of any kind and I'm college educated. I just let the wrong men encourage to do not so savvy things, thinking that's love. His dad included. Now he dates my best friend and plays house with my son is struggles every day to have positive days. I feel horrible. and his dad combines Christmas and his birthday so basically his birthday is cancelled out every year. I just would like him to have a great birthday and the two days to clearly be separate. He's such a good little boy. He's tall and skinny,
and he has blonde hair, green eyes and big ol' glasses. He just wants to be loved and acknowledged and not used as a pawn by his dad. If anyone can help I'd truly appreciate it. The things he's asked for, and I'm not sure on any details, prices or location of products:
• Lego sets
• Nike outfits
• some kid digital camera at Walmart for $25
• flute w/ case
• Squish-mello stuffed animals
• Sky Viper drone
• Stitch Crocs size 5 ( Lilo & Stitch movie)
• Minecraft jammie sets size 8/10 boys
• tall book shelf with lots of shelves- he's a huge book fan and loves to read and asked for a book shelf to display all his books. Nothing fancy. Anything will be fine
• Pokemon Litebrite
• K-nects toys
Anything can help. He's such a good boy and will be blessed with anything. Please help and God bless.....Merry
Carson Johnson
Metz  is Native American and has alerted me to may wrongs at TCI, she tries to keep in touch with her  small child. One of the concerns she alerted us to the fact that prisoner  without money or  support have to walk the long track to HSU several times a day to get their medicine no matter how cold it is. They are not allowed to wrap blankets around themselves and do not have the required warm garb -s o either go cold or skip meds.

The second issue is that there are no windows that open in TCI and most prisoners have no fans.

So winter or summer, these women are suffering, we need to act.

Update 81424/CARRIE METZ (350814)

8/14/2024 12:15:33 PM

Hey u....what's been going on? Haven't heard from u in a while. I hope all is well. Its the same ole same ole here. A lot of changing faces as far as higher up staff go. We still are restricted almost every weekend from any movement because of staff shortages. Which is nuts because they hired so many more staff but I realized this isn't by accident. They are purposely reducing staff on weekends to save money because now they hire these 18 year old correction officers straight out of high school with absolutely no training what so ever and pay these pukes $33 an hour starting pay. And we still get $4 every two weeks. If we're lucky enough to not owe the courts which isn't often. But the shampoo and conditioner they sell is $6.50 each. Suave products. So its getting really hard to survive around here. I just want to get the heck out of here. Well hopefully I hear back from u. Xo 


DarRen Morris artist model for all

Animal in a cage by DarRen Morris
DarRen Morris

Self Portrait DarRen Morris 


DarRen  Morris is an inspiration for all. When I first met him, h e was always in segregation , being abused and fighting back, He is severely deaf and that makes all worse inan environment where few accommodations are made for the handicapped. With DarRen's help , FFUP submitted a proposal with several suggestions on how to make life better in there for the deaf. They were not accepted but slowly over the years, there has been increased awareness and some good action. 

DarRen has healed himself through contact with caring people.  He and a goo friend published a book together, link below and he himself wrote a guide to help other kids like he was, navigate their way to a healthy life style

Damien Green crying for fairness and mental health treatment

 Damien Green 384855 GBCI

 Damien Green’s story , unfortunately, echoes many. He is mentally ill and has been in and out of prison many times. Always released with no treatment to the same neighborhood, where old friends and influences return him to the same bad behavior. Like so many in Milwaukee Inner city, he grew up without a father, with a mother working full time and stressed to the limit. He wants desperately to  make it to a stable life outside. We have been for years trying to get him to treatment at WRC but the DOC criteria to refer him are so contradictory and impossible that he never made it. Also, Treatment at WRC is short term usually and then prisoners are returned to the same old setting where there is no follow up, making gains hard.


 Now he has matured a lot through time  and influence of others and is no longer disruptive. He was a few days out of segregation when he reported to the powers about much drug dealing in the cell next to him. This has lead to a cascade of events we think is in retaliation and an effort to shut this man up.  He gets out next year and FFUP is trying to secure a safe landing for him.

Below is a series of letters from Damien to those in power and then my letters to the powers  with a few answers interspersed. 

There was a bizzare series of conduct reports that gave him disciplinary status before he got "PROTECTIVE custody" and we both discuss some of that in the letters below. We both think these farsical and hurtful CRs were an attempt to hide the fact that GBCI is awash with drugs. The conduct reports were related to his need to use a catheter and the HSU response continues to be negligent and uncaring.  

Damien Green 384855 GBCI

transcription of letter clearly stating the danger he was in and why

Damien Green 384855 GBCI


 Hello how are you doing? The reason for this letters is because I fear for my life, because I was thinking that I was doing the right thing. The inmate next door to me been selling his pills to the workers and buying K2 a drug and trading his pills with other inmates for this pill- they coming to his cell door like it's a drug house, so I wrote letters to the warden, security Mr kind, Captain Roz, and unit manager. An officer told one of the workers, I'm telling on the guy next to me and the Lit puledl the cell next to me B 39 out and talked to him. He came back and told everyone I'm a rat. Everyone wants to jump me, fight me. They putting money on my head so someone can do something to me. I don't want to be stabbed up. These people refuse to protect my safety, well-being. Please call up here and talk with someone. I ask them to put me on PC

I will jump to latest letters- I have a few more ideas to try to get this man treatment and real support when he gets out but so far he is just stuck:

Damien green poem

Conditions in GBBCI 8824 names names

 Letter to EVERs

 Damien Green 122123/plea to me to get him out of GBCI

 Damien Green Crayon letter to internal Affairs committee 1424

 D Green to licensing board 11924

 D green to carr 224

 D GReen to me


Green from security director

 Green from Warden

Complaint Appeal ( pencil too light to scan)

Fill number: GBCI-2023-18312

I was in general population, on the North unit cell B38. I told on an inmate who used to live in cell B-40 that took my phone card from me and had the phone number put in the phone jack, so he can use the phone. I wrote to Warden Steven, Mr kind security and Captain Roz. I gave them dates, times to look at the cameras. They did, and the inmate in Cell B40 was given a conduct report and moved to a lower cell a42. The inmate next to me in cell B39, selling his medication to all the workers and inmates and the runners going to buy K2 and drugs so we can get high. Cell B34(9?) was trading his medications with an inmate who lives on the lower named Mike B39 got all the workers, Runners at his cell door everyday.


 I gave this information to the same people I stated in the front of this complaint. I've been threatened, my safety and well-being be at risk, I was not going to shower, rec. I was threatened by both inmates and their friends to jump me, stab me, the warden put me in seg on 12/9/23 to suffering.


 Because I'm a GP  inmate, they could put me over in the treatment center, on PC, in a single cell but they put me with seg inmates. I can't use the phone everyday like I would in GP or Treatment Center, I can't go to Rec, to play ball, workout, have face-to-face visits. I'm suffering down in seg,this is bullshit how I'm being treated. And many inmates coming down to seg calling me a rat telling everyone I told on everyone, got their  jobs taken, when they see me they going to fuck me up. I wrote  to Mr Kevin Carr Mr Tony Evers and others:Senator David Stephan and more..


 I don't want to be in seg, I want to be moved out ,for my safety- in the treatment center until I be moved.

 Damien green 1 1 24

MY letters to the powers  tell more of the story :

FFUP March 2024 letter to Secretary Carr and GBCI Security Director Kind

 ffup to state licensing board :

FFUP to Carr and all:



Fredrick Morris on long term solitary and losing hope

 Fredrick Morris 579941 GBCI

1992,32/out date:4 7 33

Fredrick Morris today

Fredrick is a strong person, maintaining his sanity thru learning the law and litigating, the only real resources available to those in segregation . He is on administrative Confinement(AC), which is long term segregation, supposed to be nonpunitive . But nothing in the DOC is non punitive and conditions are harsh in the  extreme. He is on Ac because he assaulted a guard who was assaulting him, Fredrick says. He is from Chicago and He will not tolerate that abuse.

Recently he went on hunger strike and was going to stay on hunger strike till he got out of there. He was convinced, I think, by nursing staff, to abandon the effort and FFUP will be working with him on our upcoming suit aimed at getting a mental health treatment center up and running. 

My mail into the prison now takes three weeks due to the use of TextBehind, a third person mailing system . It was supposed to curtail drugs but instead makes communication between prisoner and their families nearly impossible. FFUP is mightily hindered. Fredrick will eventually get my blog invite and start contributing himself. I have a zoom visit with him soon. Drugs, in the meantime, have never been so plentiful in our prison system- we all know they come in thru the front door. Also reports are that self harm in these solitary units is at an all  time high. Our destress tools are not allowed where they are needed most and  there is NO treatment or training for the majority of the mentally ill in the WIdoc- they end of in solitary and are ejected at release with little or no support.

update 11 24

Fredrick Morris 2018

Thursday, July 25, 2024

KENDRICK SELLERS standing up against racism

Kendrick Sellers 603304 NLCI

In my life I have always stood up to racism. My father whom raised me Roy Howard Sellers Sr. Was from Rulesville, Mississippi, Sunflower County. He had to be hidden in a trunk of a car and driven out of town to Memphis Tennessee, he was accused of whistling at a white woman. The Descendants of Slaves, Estelle Sellers. When I was a kid the Ku Klux Klan came into the neighborhoods in Rockford Illinois and I stood up to them. I marched Proudly against the Unchecked powers of Racism. I have memories as a child that no child should ever see. My Father Roy H. Sellers Sr. Born 12-25-51 yes Christmas Day. Was a good man, a wise man. Who Graduated Parker Highschool in Chicago Illinois Top of his Class who was  then sent to fight a SECRET war coined Operation Menu. I remember I used to take my dad to see the Psychiatrist and he used to try and get my dad to tell him about Operation Menu but my dad always said he didn't know what he was talking about. At one of the sessions he told my dad "they changed the law" you can talk about it now! Tell me about the SECRET mission. My dad turns to me and says "son I ever spoke about any secret mission" I replied " no sir you have not " then the psychiatrist says to my dad "I know you were sworn to secrecy Mr. Sellers" but I assure you you can talk about it now. My dad replies "you said Secrecy? Well if I was sworn to secrecy then that's what'll be". My dad took that to his grave despite the government covering up the Operation and changing all of the soldiers papers and not providing all of his pension. He still Kept their SECRET. I searched high and low for any published books or anything on operation menu. None existed. I found a scholastic news article in prison about how to write newspapers and low and behold I saw Operation Menu. It was coined Operation Menu because their was 6 targets and the targets' code names were "Breakfast" "Lunch" "Supper" "Dinner" "Snack" "Desert"

The reason I write this is that I'm proud to stand up to racism in prison by the children's of those who wore the sheets over their heads in our neighborhood and those who forced my forced my father out of town.

May God Rest His Soul, Roy Howard Sellers Senior  12-25-1951--06-07-2009


If I learned anything in prison that was useful. At least I learned that!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Nicole Pergande, strong voice for justice

Nicole Pergande555978 TCI
Speaks for many

This is taken from a letter by NICKOLE PERGANDE (555978) .on the tablet and conditions in TCI.

I'm not  certain If you've been alerted to the recent update pertaining our tablet situation within the DOC? The DOC is taking a stance that all of our personal music and games that we purchased and own will not be  “compatible” with our new tablets.. And if we cannot sync our current tablets with the kiosk systems prior to the” upgrade”- alI will be lost.

    What I know is this: we purchased all music and games individually when the tablets first became available; therefore all these individually purchased items should fall under the” grandfathered” property items. Either the DOC must Grant access for us or refund every person's money to them for each individual song and or game purchased.( even if it must be at depreciated prices)  

  Another thing I do know is  that the only two place to “hurt” The DOC  is through its bank accounts. I can't ever imagine the USC being forced to give any sort of payment to an inmate. plus both Florida and Missouri DOC won their same fight so the way has been paved. Have you heard of anyone picking up the reins for this legal fight? if so, how can we join here.. or will we be automatically include all inmates in the Wisconsin DOC?

The prison here is taking a stance that no person will be allowed to utilize the  law Library without a case number. I have actively been trying to help those who are filing(we don’t have a law librarian) including the education director and education counselor that legally they cannot stipulate who can use the law library. Yet those who have cases with deadlines looming will get their first dibs. The law( federal Eighth Amendment) is very clear that withholding the courts from us is illegal( unconstitutional).

   At the end of the day my prison is not overly happy that I am not a sheep. No I don't conform and submit into the likes of what the DLC expects and wants. This is for inmates to be sheep. Myself am an  alpaca standing in the field of sheep with a placard around my neck that says”I am not a sheep.”

   I ask questions. I understand the policies and procedures that are supposed to hold persons including inmates and staff accountable. Yet much of the staff believes they’re above them. I say this because the number of Staff members who are not fans of mine grows only because I have named them by name when accountability is necessary. My access to the library has been severely limited. I have been allowed a total of 13 hours of research time and time to write my motions.. that's it.

In a nutshell, I'm a person who has stood up against bullies. No I don't pick up every cause for the sake of needing to hold on to something. When I am personally affected and poked and I puffed up like a blowfish; research; get my ducks in line and fight them for what is correct and accurate. please let me know if I can help with anything.

Theodore Roosevelt once said ”speak softly with Carrie a big stick”  I say “speak softly and carry a bic pen”

Letter 112124


Jimmie Johnson innocent with new evidence


Jimmie Johnson 328433 ( FLCI) Fox Lake Correctional Institution

      BD 1974, 49YO/MR 9/87

Case #LocationStatute #Convicted
00CF5118 MILWAUKEE940.02(1), 941.30(1), 941.29(2)  05/01/2001
2-510668 MILWAUKEE943.20(1)(A)  02/26/1997

He was convicted in 2001 In Milwaukee county 

This from his advocate:

He was given a sentence of 113 years 87 to be served in prison and 26 years supervised (crazy amount of time)

To dare an Appeal was filed on his behalf which obviously was denied 

In 2008 newly discovered evidence was given to Jimmie by a man named Andre which he states he was with the real gunman that night and following day and this person admitted to doing the crime.

Jimmie sent a copy of the interview of Andre to the court (did not file a motion only sent in interview document.)  The court simply denied it without a judge or jury even seeing it.  To date this is all that had been filed with the courts 

Reason for reduction/time served:  TIS issues and the fact that the newly discovered evidence had not been reviewed by a judge.. 

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  Articles Googling around few days ago    1)BEST STUDY on consequences of no parole:  At America’s Expense, the mass incarceration of the E...