Saturday, October 5, 2024


 This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here.

on the RIGHT are two main lists: one that collects prisoners documents and writing by issues and                                                                  one that list prisoners by last name

The main reason for this blog is that FFUP's advocacy is stuck. The WIDOC is in "defense mode" and is unresponsive to our concerns and too afraid of the public's ire against prisoners and too scared of losing more staff to do anything but give soothing platitudes. We must reach beyond out inner circles and build a power base that pushes for compassion and wisdom instead of unending revenge.

A major focus now is getting real relief for prisoners in our RHUs ( solitary confinement- "Restrictive hosing units") where conditions defy description. 

"animal in a Cage" by DarRen Morris

In "Summer 2024 Report On Solitary Torture" I gather documents and writings from prisoners representing the ongoing abuse . Most of these men  have family members who will step up and bear witness, so I am contacting investigative journalists to try to raise pubic awareness. At the same time FFUP is working on effective legislative and legal action with  litigators newly released and still entombed. We have tried all this before but now more people are listening thanks to the reports of courageous prisoners, the work of many activists, and the wonderful reporting of journalists.  

Now is the time to be real teachers- the easy solutions bandied about everywhere are not going to help. We cannot just close down prisons without a big time reduction of prisoner population and we cannot close solitary units without real mental health treatment. There is none in the state for those without money- the mentally ill too often end in prison because of the public's refusal to address difficult issues. Our "Out of sight out of mind" public mindset is no longer helping and we must begin the panful discussions and investigations needed.

This blog's basic structure is about done . Prisoners are invited to heave their own posts after which where they submit their writings and documents and I  quickly post and link them to posts and reports on same and similar issues. They get the link to thier poast and spread the word to family and friends.

FFUP gathers and learns and makes reports- and we all push for more accountability in every way possible. The solutions are available- the will to change needs to be strengthened. with this blog I hope to be able to gather the infinity that comes into mu mailbox, phone and corrlinks app.. The treasures I am given to safe keep and spread. I hope it will be a  major organizing tool for me

note: Feel free to contact me, and you can submit writings if you have personal experience with the DOC or want to comment on an inmate's post. WE will tolerate no hate speech and you must give full contact information in order to be posted. I will not post that info unless given permission but I need it in order to post, There are comment features on this blog and they will be monitored-

I believe prisoners are not their crime and that people change. Prisoners share with me what they are convicted of and tell that story if the choose but I do not ask nor am concerned with it except as it is needed in our work together. I believe that the confinement and loss of community of prison is the punishment. The mental and physical torture these men and women endure and we tolerate is a soul loss for all and a real crime perpetrated by our willful ignorance, We too can change.  

Peg Swan

Founder,Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons,  501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518

Fabian Zepeda 231081 WRC

Fabien Zepeda

Fabien Zepeda 231081 
Wisconsin Resource Center (WRC)

  every time


 see the light i

 turn around


 see the darkness about

 to engulf

 me again, where i  am

 the true


 the liar, The Deceiver

 the sexual deviant,& the

 Destroyer of Souls, where


 choose to be hateful &


 only enjoying the


 When  every being on


 feels just like me


 do you let me dwell

 so freely



To whom it may concern

 my name is Human

Being (B.I.C.A.)A worthless

 useless, lowlife, crackhead

& and list goes on and on.

 it's gotten to a

 point it's not even insult-

 ing to be called a loser,

 to be truthful i dwell in the

 misery Ii created.

i  know what you the

 reader of these words is th-

Inking  what a warped & twi’

sted  mind he has.

I  beg you to under-

 stand that I'm not making

 excuses for who i Am,

 I'm just trying to  get 

Understanding  to  why

 I am






Thursday, October 3, 2024

David Anthony Pearson Jr

 David  Anthony  Pearson Jr 663092  gbci

David Anthony Pearson
calls for help , describes deplorable conditions in GBCI

 postmarked 92824

 BD 1986/ 38 y0/ out 10 1825 La Crosse


 My name is David Anthony Pearson Jr. I'm currently incarcerated at Green Bay corruption Institution. My release date is 10 1925 next year. I'm reaching out to you to see if you could refer me to a civil attorney who could help with my civil case against the warden. Case number is :23- CV- d1426- wcg. The name is Pearson V. Stevens et all. My claim is for my living conditions in  which is  inhumane. The cells are undersized for two individuals plus there's no windows in the cells for adequate sunlight and the windows outside our cells are fully tinted so no sunlight gets in. They lack programs and the ventilation is poor. GBCI has failed five building inspections and nothing has been remodeled besides a desk with seat, toilet, lockers plus Warden confirms there’s asbestos in the walls. He just said that it's undisturbed which is still a hazard.

  We are forced to eat in our cells three times a day we get fed through the same food slot we receive our cleaning material. It is inadequate. Please help plus GBCI the classification system is failing and people are losing their lives behind this faulty system.

 P.S I'm indigent. I'm not from Wisconsin. I know what's going on here is illegal. There is no kind of cognitive thinking programs here or no kind of reentry programs to help with helping us re-enter Society. Please help.


sincerely from the voiceless

 God's peace and God's love and forgiveness for all.

Sincerely from the voiceless

 link to original:

Case From PACER

David Pearson docket


David Pearson amended complaint


David Pearson defendant summary judgement motion



 This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here. on the RIGHT  are two main lists : one that collects prisoners documents a...