Monday, August 12, 2024

Ira Chapman


Ira Chapman 394606 MSDF

Monday, June 3, 2024 12:09 AM

MSDF - nothing

IRA CHAPMAN on 5/27/2024 6:59:34 PM wrote
Hi Peg!
So I've been informed that MSDF no longer have the contract to hold us DAI people here. The contract expired in
January, nevertheless they still have us here. There's no form of programs, religious services nor outside
recreation. We are locked in our rooms 20 hours a day, but they tell the public we're out all day. I've been PRC'd
to Medium but is being held on a maximum security pod. The few jobs they do have I can't get because they're
holding my suicidal past against me. This adds to my level of distress. The PSU department don't do anything,
when I'm in a crisis, the C/O's tell me to write a green slip. The psychiatrist took me off the meds that were
helping me cold turkey with nothing to replace it. I need guidance on how to go about this

note: posting this on 824, still there, writing for more of his story ideas etc

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