Monday, August 12, 2024


SUMMATION of some of the PREA Cases presented to US DOJ

 covering 2021 thru beginning of 2024


1)Derrick Smith-(344250 WCI), I have not heard from Derrick for several months and am reporting on an issue that was  paramount a few years ago- “date rape”is what the prisoners call it. This is when a prisoner is drugged and then raped in his sleep, waking up to the pain and blood, unable to get appropriate attention, This was happening repeatedly to Derrick and I tried futlily to get him help and I attempted to get him tested with a rape kit in a timely manner. Even that was denied, although It would have settled the issue of whether Derrick was lying or not. Because Derrick was in solitaryr eport and only guards had access to him at the time, we knew this was abuse by staff. Derrick succeeded in getting transferred to WRC where he faced other issues and is now at WCI. The current state of no  

FFUP NOTE: After being assault in the above manner at two prisoners, Derrick is now at KMCI where he is suffering deep mental problems. FFUP continues to work with him and is encouraging him to write his own blog as a healing tool.


Below is  link to a) my letter to then warden of CCI and PREA heads, b)original letter from Derrick and typed explanation /c)answer to my questions from Derrick. More letters, docs, available.



2)Jeff Poff’s (390966 WSPF) testicals were hit hard during a strip search- he ends up with a hernia because of it and constant pain. I called the warden about it and was assured and investigation would ensue but there has been none and Jeff has since written about a chain of corruption withint WSPF- this is unfortunate as in my experience WSPF has the best environment for prisoners, with the guards will trained and in one prisoner’s words- they are “decent”. It is important that this possible corruption be investigated and the perpetrators held accountable.  Two letters original and one typed: 

1AJeff Poff PREA FOR DOJ all.pdf

 FFUP NOTE : Jeff has his own blog and has been trying to prove his innocence for 20 years

newly started: his post with updates and links:jeff post post

his Blog:


3) Matthew Stechauner (378235, NLCI)was  slapped hard on his butt by another prisoner and had an explosive reaction, attacking the guy who slapped him. He filed a PREA complaint wheaich went unaddressed for weeks as Matthew’s anxety rose- He was transferred to NLCI against his will and here the situation has escalated, with no therapy and very little understanding of what Matt is going through.He sits in Segregation now for a “bigus conduct report”.

The background to Matthew Stechauner’s case is that he was sexually abused as a child and has a long history of mental illness. HE has done very well by learning the law and helping people with their legal work.He has servere PTSD and this work helping others and studying the law has helped him overcome his emotional hurdles. The sexual assault back several months ago has been too much for him . He  badly needs therapy and a new start.

This is one email, there have been many letters and emails:

Matthew has started his own post- here is his intro and innocence story plus summation of long history of prison abuse.  


4) Daniel Peace 508684 NLCI- believes he is the object or retaliation because he  complained about a “date rape”  similar to the one described in #1 above. What is currently happening is harrassment and threats, accusations that HE is stalking and harrassing people and is gay. It started when he was exchanging letters with a close friend. They were sharing song lyrics and grew quite close. Derrick seems to  not know the turning point but his friend went to the CO and reported Derrick as harrassing him, Now this “friend” is spreading rumors about Derrick being gay and stalking others and he has received threats of  physical harm. Derrick insists he is not gay and never appraoaches others  on that level and his freindship with his accusor was not in the least sexual.

     Daniel is particularly concerned because only one side of the story is told- his final letter to the firend , not the ongoing exchange or any of the friend’s letters The CO make no effort to clarify or protect Derrick and he is always “looking over his shoulder” as prisoners have been sent to Harm him.

Daniel needs at minimum a change of prisons.

Situation in Daniel’s words: typed and original:



5) Cory Akstulewicz(311424 OSCI)- Cory is Trans and has the chosen name ”Angela”. She is currently plagued by what she calls “false PREAS” which have cost her her jobs and peace of mind and landed her in TLP. There have been no charges but the harrassment continues.

Link to Angie (Cory) Akstulewicz’s  typed and Original letter ( part of a series of letters):



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