Saturday, June 29, 2024

FFUP Advocacy cases 624


Albrecht David-  hippa signed/ will not be allowed into sex offender treatment unless admits guilt. call Dr  BUHS ( head) say David does not remember -too drunk and high- presumes he did it /complicated by the fact that story came out when he was trying to protect his daughter from assaults by step father. 32624( about)Buhs called back and listened. I will check in with david and see what is next/ BUHS number, call if denies: 262-886-3214 ext3 Has to do SO2 to go to work release

Barrett ,Carl 246694GBCI ( out 3240)GRANDSON in Wci being abused


Bendix, Steven SO, release to Mount Pleasant. Racine,in May/

Now in jail.

earlier:told he cannot live at mom’ house because there is an ordinance against  it/his mother called and found that was untrue/Now told he would be on lifetime GPS monitoring when it was not ordered_-Follow up - who to call- start with PO? Ask litigator.

1) Health case - shots, surgery when on streets

a) Kidney stones passing with meds

b) shoulder tears -work injury on prisoner janitor job/pain/therapy/Doc recommended surgery for surgery/says m eds but not getting anything since 8 23 24/  

c) Acid reflux

d) Bad knees -lockup/needs lower bunk9 on call, advised he put in blue slip- they will evalulate

Biese , Benjamin; denied surgery/always in pain. DR UW madison recommended surgery to enlarge urethral- has nerogenic disorder- / been going on for two years. Wirte DAI;HSU wrden


Cain, Ryan- Tara 262-751-4005; tara collias



Davis, Matthew / mother Josie / beaten, raped, meals taken, Meds taken/strapped in chair 6hours

Mother invited to families group/did not come, write Matthew-send hippa and non health


Prc’s to medium/still GBCI/ Sw tayson


Domenech, Louis 108063 WRC,

 health : deaf, much advocacy therein the past

 Now- has billet lodged in spince and needs surgery /wants to make sure bullet is preserved and analyzed by an independent expert /thinks it can prove his innocence : rough draft letter here, to be corrected:


Ewing, dexter GBCI  poisoned food 414-215-5363 /sister Paula Preston 615-289-4675


FORESTER- Hoare, Sean 590081( life sentence)

Fumich, Harry 120028 GBCI: appealed case, judge denied, in for life /talked about him helping with campaign                                


Gablebauer, Harry KMCI has cancer


Grant,Claude WRC- neuropathy shoes /shoes ordered 8 mo ago,  prescribed in JCI and then he moved-never got shoes/call JCI unit manager- were shoes ordered - send to WRC (Check DOC site for current whereabouts)

called JCI ,told they would relay message to orderer ( tiffany?) and find out when shoes were ordered- not heard- checked with Claude- still does not have shoes/ ordered 8 months ago. Prescribed by  physical therapy/neuropathy shoes


Damien Green384855 GBCI ( out 8 2125)lina ( mom) 414-514-6659/ letter to all


Grissom, terrance /Center for consitutional rights for terrance grissom 193184 WSPF- get JHLH again(sent back by property , unopened)/Working with mother to get Terrance to Colorado- wrote CO heads with no answer/told we need to get WI approval first- /letter going out to court( link)jason McCuselawyer?

   Center for Constitutional rights Reorder JHLH 212-614-6464( denied without opening/ 22724/)


Hermasillo, Dean 615832 NA (out1130)

Hess, Kenneth also brother in danger/sister608-212-9100

Pete Hiltbrunner 181346 OSCI  ( BD 1965,58)608-346-3950)





I forgot to tell you and on limited time, that I think my record s were removed from my file of a hernia disk and discovered pull/torn tenden that this was discovered at w.r.c. when they took me to the hospital and from that time I am to be bottom floor &bottom bunk resticked. As here ( o.s.c.c.i. ) I got a c.a.p.a mechanism to be bottom bunk resticked. I don't think any of this is in the files.

Am now waiting to go back to the hospital to get checked for cancer , that they found 3 lipnoiys on my thyroid here and at the hospital, if it is cancer I am not going to have it removed , I don't want to take pills for the rest of my life.

To do: get hippa signed, send letter card with Badger guide and chapters- learn the law? Ask lots of question, this man is old law has life sentence in since 1987!



Hoffman, Wayne/ Eye doctor-needs to see, has not seen in a year, needs new glasses

Hohol, dennis 436152 RGCI



HOOTEN, DEREK L 645796 WCI 1999,33  from call:

Derek Hooten was PRC’d to medium two months ago and is told because he had a hard time last time he was at WCI , they will not let him go to medium until he proves himself. ( Submits quietly?)

In Hole for frivolous PRC is February 7th/Bad conduct History last time at WCI/release in 2021/revoked with new charge and  fighting PRC case, dismissal needed/Capt TRITT IN wci/NO JOB Cause leaving/ he is a medium inmate in MaX custody, wrote Securtiy Director D with no response/sent to the hole for throwing trash out of cell/ thinks retaliation.

Revocation was all over the news

Write warden and madison,

Send Badger guide and PHI and  health release forms, JHLM and JHLH contents and cr and cv apps

 33124:Hooten report on  WCI through the key hole:

1) transgenders targetted-going rooms and taking clothings- bras and panties but also shoes and tv etc/sayig they aren’t tp  have these things and if they complain they will put them in the hole. Complaints are sent back-not filed.madison does not get them. Example Vondell Over , transgender had all this happen plus has  been given 5 bogus conduct reports and was up for PRC to medium and has been denied.

White shirt AC Stone generates and supports this retaliation against transgenders and lieutenant Traseski does the dirty work

2) Standing for count- many prioners are denied rec even though they stand for coun tpropoerly, same with showers/ the staff say the were “non compliant “even thoguh they are.

3) One prisoner near him not getting his meds ( did not know his name)

4) Started to talk about the  bread when time ran out.

Howze, Bryant /migraines got botox/stressed no sleep/eating poorly/sent meditaion and yoga/

botox then stoppedd and given intermittently - we are working on stress release- needs destress tools.

Jansen, George - needs programming before release/endorsed by parole/OL needs Compassionate release/all hippas sign

Called health with short health list- george is not complaining.

        2 2724  from his HSU: pre diabeted/glycoma bletheriteis; both sides/hypertension,anemia/depressive disorder/ dr wheetley is there 3-4 days week

George Jansen list of conditions: dizzy spells; Hearing aid right ear; pinched, charlie horse thighs numbeness Rt foot;cateracs removed; CONSTANT pain, hip always in pain cause of arthritis; both legs swollen, uses support stockings; sinus headaches; brace in back and electric braces;carpel tunnel;tremors

Uses wheel chair sometimes.otherwise walker

Anemic, kidney  disease, blood pressure .lost memories;fallth dizzy spells when rises/3 strokes


 Johnson, Jimmie :send jhlh and Badger guide

Jones, Isaac 188 684 RGCI

  Call family/want hygiene

Prostate cancer/surgery/incontinent


Kirksey, terrance WCI/

A.”lymphadenphy”,tests in  kenosha jail; then sentenced; doc said should have followup tests;  fell on  hands,was refused meds nov 2023 / hand injury 2019/xray kenosha jail/Not healing right/fatigue, no mobility

Sent licensing medical board address/

B)Needs mental health records from IL/writing for release to IL


Konitzer, Donna ( scott)

Ledford, William80495 CCI  nearly died / kidney disease head nurse alana Acker/sukowaty  

 POA: Scott And Dawn familette/Friendship, WI (608-751-8119)/daughter: Lisa /lizy camelette 608-339-1606;

Luckett, Antonio 370043

     Getting 38 staff/Rec showers twice weekly/meals in room, terrible, nothing fresh, noone knows culinary- all prepared     


 Maclin, Kenneth 385947 CVCTF special shoe taken Dec 23. pain in knees, ankels , lower back/told needs to lose weight/ working out  and better diet- trying/needs any shoes from Marcus /size 14 nike or adida



Michelson, Steven 33062  NLCI/sister Michelle  /

  74yo/ injuries 1994, 2000 epidurals for 7 yrs/pushing on sciatic nerve/surgery needed: remove top piece pushing on the nerve/in wheel chair-pain in legs and feet/UW gave him gabapentin, MRI/EMG/3DAYS IN HOSPITAL

Can’t sleep halucinations

Nurse when called: cannot receive surgery till-blood sugars are down


 Mueller,Terry 349673 SCI newl,bdg guide 1+2, CV and CR primer


Myers, Robert 335729-needs shoes and DOC refuses to order med shoes


Ploszay Tom 209964   3424

 Has torn meniscus, surgeon recommended surgery, denied by provider . Afraid treatment to lower back will also be denied. "I'm trying to find an attorney to sue GBCI and this so- called provider for leaving me in constant pain for three years from a knee injury due to a construction work accident. Provider had an x ray done and said have arthritis I the knee. I said she is wrong and that something tore in the knee. Three years later she an MRI done, which showed a small tear in the meniscus. I met with an orthopedic surgeon two weeks he said he will do surgery. Now two weeks later, this provider sent a memo and refused my surgery. Said to lose weight and get a family doctor to h3lp me when I get released on 10-29-2024. She doesn't want me any pain meds or let the surgeon give me another synvics knee injection either. There is also another clinic doctor who is supposed to come and give me three injections in my lower back due to damage and will help relieve the pain there. I was told that this provider is trying to also deny this and

To do: introduce Tom to Legal project- where he does own case-has trove of documents

Email him- call HSU?Go after special needs committee in campaign/put  his full story on web and have him add to it.


Poff, Jeff 390966 WCI/denied law library;tampering with main; refusing efiling;stealong docs submitted; last wk whole inst locked down 24hours/security director Jane Pusich/Report coming WRC Psych Wachtikah intimidates

Write friend of Court letter, William Connelly W district 6 deaths/Mom aurora Poff 352-230-7659

  Report: Ramadon meals bad- same every meal- meat no rotated /email carr and left message with warden: link/my reposonse(link.)

Cousin Julio 360-904-8344/michael mildoon,brother in law; Leda,sister  509-637-5436/


 POPILEK ,JAMES(519163)- needs to adjust child

 support/mother turning children against him/sent

him internet articles saying yes,, he must go

through the court-gave examples








Richie, Joel 212984 RGCI/needs sleep for apnea

Rollins , Davin 278690 GBCI penpal with TCI- innocent case LP/ he wrote letter-

answer with Legal project application/asks Rollins , Davin 278690 GBCI penpal with TCI- innocent case LP/ he wrote letter-

answer with Legal project application/asks for jury trial date- none on web/send penpal stuff out


Schneider,Michael 317191 NLCI, crones disease/remicade infusion;has got nothing since August /colonoscopyy October/internal bleeding/blood draw, stool sample/

 write, get update- send HIPPA



Scott, Jeff; Mother Cynthis 414-447-4963; wife Gianna Madison; house 414-374-8664;cell 414-507-4189

Cases 28-USC-2101/42 USC-12121/Hiram CLiff lookup


Shaw, Vonell , cousin Ariel 262-997-8524



clledHSU-needs sleep apnea machine/

Hsu:dd not use for most of year,sleep on side,lose weight, seond pillow/WCi okayslower bunk as long as you are using machine/derrick has mild sleep apnea-has to use it at least 4 hrs a day


Stechauner, Matthew: much here- latest-two fingers  -HSu says request reevaluaiont with blue slipt- surgery could make it worse.



STEELE, WILLIAM (166853) 7DUis Judge gave him  MR  4 and that does not give him enough time to do the treatment he needs-wants treatment before leaving this time s0 he does not repeat-letter to court here::


STRENKE, DARYL J 434084 RGCI (BD 1964, 59)

Mother Darlene/ 715-986-4464





Swanson,Tom /sky hi Blood pressure/Neck back and elbow/Wants UW not Gunderson in boscobel/ that doctor wants him to go as long as he can with eds and THEN surgery /trying to get to provider/injured neck and back in construction/injured neck 1997, elbow 2007





Tabbert, Derek 415637 /BD1983,40/MR11/14/25 ROck county SO

was I GBCI rhu  letters (dictate),now GP/aunt:608-868-3758

                             Report coming- GBCI has new zillion $ building unused as not enough staff

                             Shower and rec two times/week, sees Chaplin, rest of time in cell/

 aunt 608-868-3758


From Call 32424

Blood clots not being treated. Given blood-thinners that did not work. Scan shows more clots. Using support stocks and in much pain. Want to got o outside hospital- spent some time in Waupun hospital and was helped last time.

Prevention-does exercise but is hard with lockup

Cannot elevate leg at night cause denied pillows or others ways to elevate.

Left message HSU 32524

Call again and Now write

  Abuse: slammed against well/taser used but was not refusing/bent right arm backed to head/51/2hrs cuffs/seen by HSU/cysts and ulcer /

Never got stimuluscheck

Taylor, John : no treatment for addiction: wants  book Magic OF thinking big/King james bible/

Lori Greggory aunt: says John lived  with grandparents/military school-hates himself


Turney, Joe lots of family page 31 adv by name book/in 224 called many times about severe abdominal pain-

Has mh and abuse issues


Walling , Christian-/Carrie Graves, partner;218-216-4072

 continue to request info on Ruth House demanding half prisoners money ad TLP demanding 100o a month

Called Community corr and Carr’s office /now try COM CORR again- go higher and  PO supervisor Douglas county/ christian not sex offender

Sent douglas cty resources?PO: 715-392-7915;releases 6724 to Douglas cty/ PO Megan /SW Carey Foley:715-919-3127

Christian called Friday and  said tlp not part of DOC but run by GPS company /will work with me on Sex offender rights. Is getting good support now/ asked COMCORR about scam and they fudged- continue to investigate


WILLIAMS, Cazionne 549560 WCI



Zitella Daniel 690084 RCI -transgender /prescribed by PSU denied hormones /releasing to walworth cty /gender dysforia



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