Sunday, September 1, 2024


 This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here.

on the RIGHT are two main lists: one that collects prisoners documents and writing by issues and                                                                  one that list prisoners by last name

The main reason for this blog is that FFUP's advocacy is stuck. The WIDOC is in "defense mode" and is unresponsive to our concerns and too afraid of the public's ire against prisoners and too scared of losing more staff to do anything but give soothing platitudes. We must reach beyond out inner circles and build a power base that pushes for compassion and wisdom instead of unending revenge.

A major focus now is getting real relief for prisoners in our RHUs ( solitary confinement- "Restrictive hosing units") where conditions defy description. 

"animal in a Cage" by DarRen Morris

In "Summer 2024 Report On Solitary Torture" I gather documents and writings from prisoners representing the ongoing abuse . Most of these men  have family members who will step up and bear witness, so I am contacting investigative journalists to try to raise pubic awareness. At the same time FFUP is working on effective legislative and legal action with  litigators newly released and still entombed. We have tried all this before but now more people are listening thanks to the reports of courageous prisoners, the work of many activists, and the wonderful reporting of journalists.  

Now is the time to be real teachers- the easy solutions bandied about everywhere are not going to help. We cannot just close down prisons without a big time reduction of prisoner population and we cannot close solitary units without real mental health treatment. There is none in the state for those without money- the mentally ill too often end in prison because of the public's refusal to address difficult issues. Our "Out of sight out of mind" public mindset is no longer helping and we must begin the panful discussions and investigations needed.

This blog's basic structure is about done . Prisoners are invited to heave their own posts after which where they submit their writings and documents and I  quickly post and link them to posts and reports on same and similar issues. They get the link to thier poast and spread the word to family and friends.

FFUP gathers and learns and makes reports- and we all push for more accountability in every way possible. The solutions are available- the will to change needs to be strengthened. with this blog I hope to be able to gather the infinity that comes into mu mailbox, phone and corrlinks app.. The treasures I am given to safe keep and spread. I hope it will be a  major organizing tool for me

note: Feel free to contact me, and you can submit writings if you have personal experience with the DOC or want to comment on an inmate's post. WE will tolerate no hate speech and you must give full contact information in order to be posted. I will not post that info unless given permission but I need it in order to post, There are comment features on this blog and they will be monitored-

I believe prisoners are not their crime and that people change. Prisoners share with me what they are convicted of and tell that story if the choose but I do not ask nor am concerned with it except as it is needed in our work together. I believe that the confinement and loss of community of prison is the punishment. The mental and physical torture these men and women endure and we tolerate is a soul loss for all and a real crime perpetrated by our willful ignorance, We too can change.  

Peg Swan

Founder,Co-director FFUP

Forum for Understanding Prisons,  501c3 non profit, 608-536-3993

29631 Wild Rose Drive; Blue River, WI 53518

First look

Below are some of the prisoners posted here; look at the side bar to this blog and you will see prisoners listed by last name. Under that is  a listing by issues. Each prisoner gets a link to his or her particular post and is asked to send it to family and friends. We  hope this helps start a movement for real change.
This blog is in its infancy and we ask for you patience.

Main issue I am starting with - conditions in RHUs ( restrictive housing units)in our maximum prisons. 
link to gathering post on that issue: 

Corleon Thomas, TIS prisoner
with too much time
this case is a good example of the wrongheadedness
 of truth  in sentencing

Sean Forester -Hoare: he and his family believe he has Mrsa, is also trying to prove his innocence. FFUP's attempts to get confirmation of diagnosis and treatment unsuccessful- picking this up again
Terrance Grissom- mentally ill . in for disrupting, here still 20 years later/ needs to go home to colorado where his mother resides

Bryant Johnson, on 24 hr oxygen ,
 need compassionate release
another pld friend to FFUP- old law prisoner ,eligible for parole for decades 

Bill Brocket too long in prison

Raymond Woods
first post describes being "inmate"

because he assaulted a guard who was abusing him

Second Chance for Juvenile Offenders

this is a blog done at least five years ago that we are updating now and again,, will invite all those still in or system to write and we will post.

Nate Lindell, another story of transformation: from Bigot to a caring and effective litigator/many good ideas to share

Jimmy Johnson 328433  FLCI
always claimed innocence, now has proof, given the absurd amount of time- 113 years
working with FFUP prisoner litigator guides. 


Kendrick Sellers 
first blogpost tells of lessons about racism he learned from his father. 

Luis Nieves has stage 4 cancer. We worked with him in 22 and 23 after he had  all  his meds and palliative care taken away when new doctor came in- This is a good example of WIDOC health care and the "special needs committee" which can override any recommendations and orders made by off site, independent doctors

Thursday, August 29, 2024


Aleisha Thiry has an incredible story to tell, needs our support


9 2924

Hello my name is Aleasha Thiry and I'm 33 years old. Currently I am serving a 4 year prison sentence and I reside at Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center in Union Grove, WI. I'm writing to share my story with others to bring awareness of how my life has been affected by not only the prison system but also largely by the department of children and families (DCF). I will begin by sharing a lot of background information about my life and will add to this over time. You may notice that some parts may overlap or be mentioned more than once...most likely with more detail. I hope my story can help others struggling so they know they are not alone and to let people in our state and country know what's really happening with the department of children and families and the criminal justice system!

   I have three older half siblings...a sister, Carrie and brother, Cory on my moms side and a sister, Wendy on my dads side. Carrie is 6 years older than me. Cory is 8 years older than me. Wendy is 24 years older than me. I was born in Fort Dodge, IA. but moved to Wisconsin as a baby. My mother was 25 and my father was 43. My parents were never super wealthy but they made ends meet. My mother had a harder time as she was mainly a single mother of three children except when she had a boyfriend or husband. My mother went through many jobs while my father drove semi his entire life. I remember moving around a lot and every time we moved, my belongings were typically left behind or thrown out. Throughout my childhood I have moved at least 19 times. I lived in various cities such as Green Bay, Marinette, Howard, Abrams, Suamico, Ashwabenon, and Milwaukee. For the most part I lived with my mother primarily but I was with my father for some time. I recall not living with my parents at some point in my life but I did not remember this until many years into my adult life. I did end up asking my mom about it but she has told me she dunno what I'm talking about and that I have always lived with her or my dad. Heck, maybe she don't. She probably blacks out; I know I've blacked out things/times in my life.

   Throughout my entire life, I have experienced a lot of traumatic events which I'll simply list here to keep things organized and simplified:

-3 years old: fell outta barn & was put in a complete body cast

-3 to 6 years old: sexually abused repeatedly by D.V.

-7 years old: sexually abused by K.B.

-7 to 12 years old: homelessness

-8 years old: hit by drunk driver, maternal grandma died, found bloody knife on dumpster

-9 years old: battles bruise

-12 to 13 years old: life with an alcoholic, my stepmother

-14 years old: life as an angry teen/threaten to runaway/threatened with being sent to an all girls school

-15 years old: D.V. cycle with S.J.

-16 years old: drugged & sexually abused by N.R.

-17 years old: drugged & sexually abused by T.W.

-18 years old: adult modeling, dad died

-19 to 24 years old: mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by T.N., D.V. cycle with T.N.

-23 years old: maternal grandpa died, children removed from our home by DCF

-24 years old: mentally, physically, and sexually abused by N.H., Deaths of two close friends/significant others (J.G. & N.H.)

-23 to 25 years old: alcoholic, drugs, struggled with childcare

-25 to 31 years old: mentally, emotionally, and sexually abused by T.T., D.V. cycle with T.T.

-28 years old: maternal uncle died, paternal grandma died,alcoholic

-28 to 31 years old: children removed from our home by DCF

-30 years old: mentally and sexually abused by T.N., adult industry, incarcerated

-31 years old: stepmother died

   I have always had troubles with my memory and honestly do not have a lot of memories growing up. I know my sister, Carrie did a lot looking after me because our mother would work multiple jobs at a time to try supporting our family. However, I do remember things like growing up and having limited supply of food available so my mother would go without. At times, my mother, siblings, and I have lived in a motel, sometimes even different campgrounds, or from one of her boyfriends houses to the next. Throughout my years growing up, I have pretty much kept to myself. I had maybe 1-2 friends at any given time. I believed there was no sense in making friends because I was always moving. Through my elementary school years, I struggled with reading and received extra help in school. Middle school was pretty rough as I struggled academically a lot and spent hours upon hours on school work after school...basically until bedtime. Up until 9th grade, I was always heavier set and would be made fun of by other students which also only encouraged me to stay to myself. I began drinking regularly while in middle school. When I entered high school, I did very well academically but began using marijuana and skipping a lot of school. I was still passing all my classes though and I did end up graduating on time in May 2009! While in high school, I earned my certificate for certified nursing assistant and passed my state testing! All through school, I had behavioral problems which only increased as I got older. At 16 years old, I was diagnosed with ADHD/ADD an put on medication.

   At the age of 14, I got my first actual job in the community. I have always been a person that learns fast and is a very hard worker. I have always been a person interested in learning new things and working and an education are two very important things to me! I always worked 1-3 jobs at a time to keep busy and to support my family. I ran into some troubles with childcare in 2016 and struggled for a short while being unemployed but eventually things ended up working out with the help of a local W2 program that I was enrolled in. After about 9 months, I ended up being a stay at home mom for about 6 months. I really didn't enjoy not working so I was somewhat unhappy but I did it because that's what made the most sense to do given my circumstances at the time.

   Earning a college education and graduating is something I have always been determined to do! In high school, careers that interested me included: nursing, paralegal, and zoologist. Upon graduating high school, I enrolled in college at Central Arizona College where I was attending for 'pre-nursing' in person at their campus in Coolidge, AZ. My father ended up passing away after my second semester started there and I found out I was pregnant with my first child so I moved back to Wisconsin to be by my immediate living family members. I continued my college education and enrolled in college at NWTC where I was attending for 'health care business services and health information technology' online and in person at their campus in Marinette, WI. During my second year into my college education, I began to become very interested in being a psychiatrist which I'll talk about more later on. I stayed in college steadily until 2016 when I no longer received financial aid due to not passing a course I kept trying to retake. The course was chemistry and I needed it to get into the nursing program which has always been one of my main top career choices. Due to so much happening in my life, my college education was put on a standstill for multiple reasons: financially I couldn't afford it, not having adequate childcare, and not having enough time to dedicate to my courses. Overall I have earned over 80 college credits but unfortunately haven't even earned one associates degree due to bad planning and trying to do multiple programs at once. Since becoming incarcerated in 2022, I have restarted my college education in 2023 within a different field due to being barred from working in healthcare due to my criminal charges. I began taking courses in person and online through MPTC to work towards their 'business management' program. Recently I transferred to this minimum location so as of right now, my program is on hold due to no available clear book (laptop) and I have to wait until atleast 2025 to get going again. Its pretty unfortunate because even without being placed 'on hold', I was not going to graduate prior to my release. However there's an option to finish while I'm in the community. Another bummer is that my financial aid runs out two semesters before I complete the program so I don't know if I'll be able to pay for the remaining courses out of pocket.

   As an adult, I have moved eleven times between Marinette, Peshtigo, and Neenah in Wisconsin and Casa Grande in Arizona. The majority of these moves were always to accommodate my significant other which I realize now shouldn't have ever happened. A lot of my life circumstances as an adult were significantly influenced by my significant other and I never realized how wrong all that was until I was removed from the toxic environments and received a lot of mental health help while I was first incarcerated. I fully take responsibility for my actions as I am the one who made them but I also want it to be known that I have had many struggles throughout my life and was not always in a healthy environment where I was able to think clearly and properly. I am always one to take care of everyone else and everything else yet still feel like deep down, I get nothing done. In my life prior to prison, I was always highly irritable and would scream a lot. I would also get caught up in my own compulsions like being a compulsive hoarder, workaholic, alcoholic, using and experimenting with drugs, gambling, and sexaholic. At times I'd loose touch with reality and my mates not being who they were in the beginning and not even really knowing who I truly am myself! Sometimes I would have no interest in sex and feel guilty to do anything for myself. Most days I had no energy to do everyday tasks. I would spend excessive amounts of time worrying about other people and their problems. It was always common for me to not feel close to anyone or have fun. I would isolate from activities/outings in order to know what's going on with my mate. It was common for me to have other moods controlling my emotions and I'd try to control other peoples feelings and behaviors. Eventually I began to doubt myself and let my need go unmet, love would disappear, and my needs would only become greater. Frequently I'd loose touch with my own emotions.

   All of my relationships with other people have always been unhealthy and for the wrong reasons. I was not allowed to discuss problems openly, talk about feelings, or behaviors. I always wound up with sexaholics, alcoholics, addicts, and criminals. I never knew this until my incarceration. My friendships only ever were a thing if the other person could benefit in some way from being my friend whether it was getting free transportation, housing, or belongings. My dating relationships all fall in the domestic violence category and were all pretty toxic. I never learned healthy boundaries or healthy relationships growing up so I never knew better. I also didn't have others to really look up to in this area because my mother whom I lived the majority of my life with never really had friends while I was growing up. My father had a few but I was so little at that time and was not around often due to him working a ton and me living mainly with my mother. Also as a child, I pretty much was under the impression of staying out of the adults business because they were always busy and taking care of adult things. Don't get me wrong; we did do normal family things like parks, community events, parades, shopping, reading books, board games, outdoor games, swimming, amusement parks, vacation, and etc...

   I married for my first time in November 2014 to my second baby daddy, Timothy after being together for 3.5 years. We stayed together until 2016 but did not get officially divorced until 2018. The second time I got married was in December 2020 to my third baby daddy, Troy after being together for 4.5 years. Currently we are still married but I have tried filing for a divorce and ultimately I think that's what needs to be done.

   So, I come from a small family that is not very close knit. I've always wanted a large family so I decided to make that happen. I have seven biological children! I have four daughters and three sons. My children are:

Harmony (December 2010) father: Francisco

Damien (December 2011) father: Timothy

Savannah (December 2012) father: Timothy

Dontae (April 2015) father: Timothy

Blazyn (March 2017) father: Troy

Serenity (March 2018) father: Troy

Lilliana (April 2019) father: Troy

While married to Timothy I had one step daughter, Hailee (2003 or 2005). While married to my current husband, Troy I have one step daughter, Kailin (March 2007) and two step sons, Ashton (August 2010, deceased) and Kameron (March 2012). I always encourage open and honest communication between my children and me and do my best to foster a close relationship among us all! My children are my world and they are the most important to me. Everything I do, I do for them. They have always been well taken care of in our home and never went without things they needed. My children have always had pretty much all they would want. They are spoiled!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Michael Evans

 Michael  Evans 344627 GBCI /BD 1980, 42

Michael's story is heart rending. He had mental health problems since the age of 8. He was convicted of reckless homicide at age 18. He had been beat up by a group, was handed a gun and in rage went after them and shot and killed one man and injured another. He confessed to all and took full responsibility. .Below are the final recommendations taken from a three page 1999 report  recommending a short sentence, treatment and academic training as Michael was accepting punishment and wanting to be helped. The whole report which relates details of his life and the shoorting .is in the following link= worth the read. 
Last bit sentence recommnedation:

Michael Evans sentence recommendations in entirety, good reading:

NOTE: as an OLD LAW PRISONER, (  convicted of a crime committed BEFORE 2000), Michael was eligible for parole after serving 1/4 of his sentence. 

Twenty three years later:
       Michael Evans first wrote me when he was on hunger strike because he wasgetting no mental health treatment and was feeling suicidal .His letter below, handwritten original and typed versions, speaks of his efforts to get help and his frustrations with the system , He makes clear that being in general population creates much anxiety, 
  My response to him was that hunger strikes in the Wi system do nothing except hurt the strikers ,as he most prisons do not  follow their own rules and we cannot follow him or advocate effectively for him.
He agreed to join us in our effort to get a mental health treatment center and complete change in policies relating  to those with mental health problems. . Over 40  percent of the prison population is mentally ill and the prison mostly warehouses them in isolation cells which causes life long trauma.

Here is his letter , handwritten

  letter typed:

February 20,2023


One sad thing about this world is that the acts that take the most out of you are usually the ones that other people will never know about. by Ann Tyler, “ MStory”


On November 11th, 1993  I answer the guilty plea to one count of first degree- Reckless homicide,  PTAC, while armed and one count of first degree Reckless endangering safety, PTAC, while armed and sentenced to 14 years to 54 years  on January 19th 1999, sentencing recommendation from:Dr Suzanne Lisowski, who perform psychological evaluation,based upon ALL of the above listed information, read the following: sentencing memorandum enclosed


    I'm on a hunger strike, due to the lack of mental health treatment ,which started today February 20th 2023. since my return from WRC( October 2020), I was assigned to PSU clinical staff Dr Martha  Breen- Smith, who have a bullying personality, need for dominance, humiliation,intimidation ,Power and balance, un -empathetic, with smugness and arrogance characterize Behavior; I have wrote PSU boss,  Dr Hamilton many times regarding Dr Breen- Smith's Behavior, since my return, I have not received adequate medical care for my mental health treatment; in 2021 (Of ?) I started on hunger strikes, due to lack of treatment from PSU, going from 215 lb  to 169 lb at times, I have lost so much weight that at 200 plus pounds now, I look like I weigh about 180 lb, my muscular mass is bone.

  This lasted through 2021 to 2022; in April of 2022,  I lost a childhood girlfriend die, I lost it, after trying to get help from Doctor Breen- Smith with my mental health diagnoses, which are antisocial personality disorder,  unspecified depressive disorder,  nightmare disorder, impulsive- control and conduct disorder. 

 PSU undermined all my diagnoses, I went to the hole May 29th 2022, everything went downhill from there, before that, I passed out in the cell Hall from hunger strike after 4 days without food or water, on June 20th 22, I was released from the hole, I went back on the same day on suicide watch, released, on 6-23-22 with NO Treatment Plan, on 6 24 22 I went back to the hole for trying to assault staff with a, phone, I received 120, during my hole time I received no treatment for my mental health issues, PSU staff only would see me at the door stating” they not have the official hearing room”, Dr Breen- Smith  only pulled me out once  for a one-on-one, I was on hunger strike, went on and off auicide watch; on 8/11/20, I wrote the deputy warden Michelle R Hacse regarding my intention to commit suicide upon release from the whole( rhu), PSU staff sent to my door, I was not pulled out of my cell, PSU staff stayed at my door for about 5 minutes; I told PSU staff ”I can't commit suicide in the hole!On 8th 1822 I was released from the hole to GP; less than 24 hours later, after morning meds I went to the highest tier in the cell hall( H tier), I climbed over H-Tier, waiting for the cameras to come to jump, before video camera could arrive, the unit Sergeant run up on me, grab my shirt and tried to pull me back over the tier. I started to assault the sergeant, other staff arrived, LG M e g i a relieved the sergeant of his duty, after failed talking to come down, I was ambushed by (7) staff, I was fighting for release.


A society of sheep must in time beget a government of  wolves. 

 ,,,My right wrist was cuffed to the top railing by Lt. Me g i a, after a few minutes I gave up and came over the railing, I was placed on suicide watch from F r i m o n, during the whole time, I received no mental health treatment, I was taking off of suicide watch placed on TLU for assaulting staff, received a 120, I started going on hunger strikes, suicidal watch. I was placed in the treatment center on October 17,2022, during my stay, I was not given any treatment one on one )went back to the hole three times, 1121/22, I wrote the warden(Dylan Radtke) with my intention to self harm on 11 25,2022,on  11:22/22, with my mental diagnoses- I self -harmed, after being taken to HSU for treatment ,I was placed on suicidal watch again, released with no treatment plan, so I wrote my own treatment plan for PSU which still has not been considered.

  I spoke to Dr helmets( boss of PSU) on to 2:31 2022, I spoon- fed me on a treatment plan that will work only if I'm out of the hole, I agreed to work with him! not Dr Breen; I was released from the hole on 1 4-23; since I've been in GP, I've not received any treatment, no one-on-one. Dr Breen tried to send me a pass twice, after I wrote an ICE and CCE and notify the warden and my intention to sue PSU staff for deliberate indifference to my mental health needs, I refused and put a DOC 1803: inmate request for separation, for PSU staff Dr Breen- Smith and follow it with an inmate complaint examiner’s office regarding my assigned clinician; intimidation, threatened, harassment, causing me to suffer serious emotional distress.

  Nothing have been done about my mental health, I have received a response today from Dr Hamilton, again, it's always next week or two or three weeks to be seen by PSU doctor Hamilton is a supervisor of PSU.

 I have a lot distress and anxious in general pop; if I commit suicide, please!!!! make sure these people get held responsible: Warden Dylan Kay Radke, Deputy Warden  Michelle R H a e s e, Dr Martha J Breen- Smith, Dr Todd L Hamilton, PSU-. M.S Hillary J Berg, Security Director John a kind.

  The art project I wanted to work on is a model kit AMT 1967 Chevy Impala SS it's my dream car and I ever make it out of prison alive the model 981 is $25.99 color royal and 3463 and 284 Sparkle glitter glue - maybe this project will give me hope                                 


 take Hope from the heart of man and you make him a beast of prey.

Enclosed document

1) DOC 3035B- Psychological Service request

1) DAI 2023- 49223,From  John A Kind,Security director

1) DAI  2023- 49239,  from Michelle R Ha e s e, Deputy Warden

1) four pages of sentencing memorandum- January 15th 1999/  missing2 pages(4&5) 


 Thank you for caring, God bless, Michael L Evans

AND finally , below are two documents show Michael's efforts to receive treatment. The wardens  response is typical .The complaint and appeal process is completely rigged.


 This blog is under construction but the basic structure is here. on the RIGHT  are two main lists : one that collects prisoners documents a...